Furlow Palatoplasty Surgery Technique, Cpt Code & ICD-10
A frequent congenital defect is a cleft lip and palate, which affects 1 in 700 live births and cleft palate affects 1 in 1600–4200 live births in Asian countries. Prior to the 19th century, obturators were the primary treatment for cleft palate. After the introduction of mucoperiosteal flaps by Veau in 1931 and subsequent modifications by Kilner and Wardill to push back flaps, palate surgery was pursued actively. However, these methods led to an increased risk of palatal fistulas, VPI, maxillary retrusion, and stunted growth. In order to avoid these problems, Furlow presented his double-opposing Z-plasty for palate repair, which is now widely considered to be one of the best methods for repairing damaged palates.
What is Furlow Palatoplasty Surgery?
A plastic surgery procedure used to treat cleft palates is called a Furlow palatoplasty. In this procedure, the soft palate is lengthened and thickened, and the aberrant positioning of the palatal muscles is realigned. This allows the palate to contact the back of the throat in its natural state. Following surgery, a youngster may be able to speak normally because of an improved capacity to seal off the nose from the mouth while speaking. The Furlow procedure involves oral and nasal mucosal Z-plasties to repair palatal clefts.

Furlow Palatoplasty Surgery Technique
This surgery involves a plastic surgical approach that was traditionally performed for cleft palates. The goal of this procedure is to stretch and thicken the soft palate as well as realign aberrant placement of the palatal muscles. This will allow the palate to contact the back of the throat in a natural manner. The surgery is typically performed on patients with a submucous or "hidden" cleft palate and accompanying velopharyngeal insufficiency, although it is also performed on children who have hypernasality after surgical interventions on the back of the throat. The palate is now thicker and longer, which makes it easier for the palate to touch the back of the throat when speaking. This holds air from leaking out of the nose when speaking. This surgery may also have a positive effect on the frequent ear infections in children with submucous cleft palate.
Furlow Palatoplasty Surgery ICD-10
The ICD-10 code for the surgical procedure known as a Furlow palatoplasty is 0CQ20ZZ. The soft palate is lengthened, thickened, and aberrant structures are realigned during this treatment using a plastic surgery approach. Cleft palates can be repaired with this method, although the specific procedure may vary from clinic to clinic and surgeon to surgeon.
Furlow Palatoplasty Surgery CPT Code
According to the AMA's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) guidelines, procedure code 42220 describes a procedure that fixes the palate or uvula. A subsequent lengthening of the soft palate is done as part of the palatoplasty procedure used to treat the cleft palate.