Transcortical Motor Aphasia Symptoms, Causes, Speech Therapy, Treatment
Commissural dysphasia and white motor dysphasia are the other names of transcortical motor aphasia. It is a speech disorder which occurs due to damage in anterior superior frontal lobe. It specifically occurs in language control center of hemisphere (frontal lobe). Usually left hemisphere of brain is involved in controlling language center. In this disease, patient can't speak openly I.e. there is reduced speech output.
It is difficult for patient to maintain his speech and initiation. Watershed region of brain is not involved in the direct harm of language production and comprehension center. Executive functions of language are affected if frontal lobe is damage.
Transcortical motor aphasia is a speech disorder in which patient cant speak properly. He cannot even start a conversation and further maintain it. Executive functions of language are affected which mainly involve Grammer (Syntex) control, patient can't narrate a story or any thing he wants to and language response center is not properly activated. Other symptoms involve:
Transcortical motor aphasia occurs due to damage in the frontal lobe of brain. Frontal lobe specifically left hemisphere contains language control center. Usually damage in anterior superior frontal lobe is responsible for transcortical motor aphasia. This damage occurs due to cerebrovascular problem I.e. infarction. Prefrontal cortex is the part which involves ideation and initiation of verbal speech. So when damage occurs, it becomes difficult to initiate a conversation. Damage in anterior superior frontal lobe does not affect major language network, Broca's and Wernicke area and arcuate fasiculus. Only infarction is not the reason, damage can also occur due to stroke.
Treatment of transcortical motor aphasia involves speech therapy. Its treatment mainly focus on patients strong hearing conversation and skills of repetition and correcting the reduced speech output of patient. Treatment also covers maintenance of speech and initiation of speech including language. Participation approach to aphasia is a treatment strategy which have greater success rates. In this treatment strategy, patient is asked to focus on his skills he required to talk with people. He is allowed to talk with people in real life situations like talking to nurse about anything he wants to.
A speech and language pathologist is required for treating transcortical motor aphasia. In this therapy some pictures are provided to patient and ask him to elaborate every single thing or event happening in this picture. Pathologist also provide a vocabulary booklet so that he can easily choose words to start his speech. Other than pictures, pathologist also ask some questions related to current affairs, patients past life, general knowledge and about his experiences. He also ask patient about some cooking recipes like baking a cake and cookies. Repetitive questioning helps in improvement of patients speech.
It is difficult for patient to maintain his speech and initiation. Watershed region of brain is not involved in the direct harm of language production and comprehension center. Executive functions of language are affected if frontal lobe is damage.
Transcortical Motor Aphasia Symptoms
Transcortical motor aphasia is a speech disorder in which patient cant speak properly. He cannot even start a conversation and further maintain it. Executive functions of language are affected which mainly involve Grammer (Syntex) control, patient can't narrate a story or any thing he wants to and language response center is not properly activated. Other symptoms involve:
- Patient find it hard to compose a sentence and elaborate it properly.
- Patient gets confused and cannot select right words during his speech.
- Starting a conversation is a hardest task for patient suffering from transcortical motor aphasia.

Transcortical Motor Aphasia Causes
Transcortical motor aphasia occurs due to damage in the frontal lobe of brain. Frontal lobe specifically left hemisphere contains language control center. Usually damage in anterior superior frontal lobe is responsible for transcortical motor aphasia. This damage occurs due to cerebrovascular problem I.e. infarction. Prefrontal cortex is the part which involves ideation and initiation of verbal speech. So when damage occurs, it becomes difficult to initiate a conversation. Damage in anterior superior frontal lobe does not affect major language network, Broca's and Wernicke area and arcuate fasiculus. Only infarction is not the reason, damage can also occur due to stroke.
Transcortical Motor Aphasia Treatment
Treatment of transcortical motor aphasia involves speech therapy. Its treatment mainly focus on patients strong hearing conversation and skills of repetition and correcting the reduced speech output of patient. Treatment also covers maintenance of speech and initiation of speech including language. Participation approach to aphasia is a treatment strategy which have greater success rates. In this treatment strategy, patient is asked to focus on his skills he required to talk with people. He is allowed to talk with people in real life situations like talking to nurse about anything he wants to.
Transcortical Motor Aphasia Speech Therapy
A speech and language pathologist is required for treating transcortical motor aphasia. In this therapy some pictures are provided to patient and ask him to elaborate every single thing or event happening in this picture. Pathologist also provide a vocabulary booklet so that he can easily choose words to start his speech. Other than pictures, pathologist also ask some questions related to current affairs, patients past life, general knowledge and about his experiences. He also ask patient about some cooking recipes like baking a cake and cookies. Repetitive questioning helps in improvement of patients speech.
Transcortical Motor Aphasia Symptoms, Causes, Speech Therapy, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 21, 2019