Cervical Adenitis Symptoms, Causes, Contagious, Treatment
It is a condition defined as inflammation in lymph nodes present in neck region. Inflammation occurs due to infection in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are the part of lymphatic system which is responsible for protecting body against foreign substances. It is active against infections in body. This condition is also termed as lymphadenitis. The infection may be viral or bacterial. Sometimes infection in adenoids, tonsils and nose may spread to lymph nodes. Causative bacteria may travel from infectious site towards lymph nodes present in neck. It can occur at any age including children. CT scan and X-ray is performed to diagnose cervical adenitis.
Swollen lymph nodes is the common visible symptom of cervical adenitis. One or more lymph nodes may be involved so patient feels tenderness in the infected lymph node. Soreness occurs in the area of lymph node infection. Skin color turns red around affected lymph node. Patient face pain during eating or swallowing food. Patient cannot move his neck properly because of stiffness and pain in neck. Patient cannot look around in all directions without pain. Sometimes infection and inflammation can cause fever and sore throat. Lymphatic system will not work properly, so diseases may attack patient's body.
Viral infection is the most common cause of cervical adenitis. Common viruses causing cervical adenitis involve Epstein bar virus, HIV and cutomegalovirus. Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes are responsible for causing unilateral cervical adenitis. Symptoms appear for longer duration with more fluctuations. In neonates, bacteremia is responsible for causing cervical adenitis. Anaerobic bacteria associated with dental diseases, may lead to cervical adenitis. Some unusual pathogens like staphylococcus epidermidis, fungi and enterobacteriaceae causes defect in functioning of granulocyte leading to cervical adenitis. Cat scratch disease, toxoplasmosis and mycobacterial infection are associated with chronic or subacute cervical adenitis.
As it is an infection, so pathogenic organisms are involved. Antibiotics medical therapy is used to treat cervical adenitis. If infection become chronic or severe, then antibiotics in the intravenous dosage form are recommended. In case of abscess or pus filled in lymph nodes, surgery is required to drain abscess or pus from lymph nodes. Some pain killers are prescribed to combat pain. A care chart is provided to patient for better treatment outcome. Patient is asked to drink more water than usual. Sometimes pathogenic organisms from nearby infection travels to lymph nodes, so treatment of leading cause is also necessary.
Cervical adenitis is not contagious usually. But if it occurs due to any contagious disease, then it may spread on touch and transmit from person to person. If the mass is soft and moveable, then. It may not spread because it is due to simple infection. If the swollen neck mass is hard and immovable, then it indicates the cancer as main cause. And cancer do not spread on touch. If it occurs secondary to tuberculosis, then it may transmit from person to person via touching and sneezing or coughing.
Cervical Adenitis Symptoms
Swollen lymph nodes is the common visible symptom of cervical adenitis. One or more lymph nodes may be involved so patient feels tenderness in the infected lymph node. Soreness occurs in the area of lymph node infection. Skin color turns red around affected lymph node. Patient face pain during eating or swallowing food. Patient cannot move his neck properly because of stiffness and pain in neck. Patient cannot look around in all directions without pain. Sometimes infection and inflammation can cause fever and sore throat. Lymphatic system will not work properly, so diseases may attack patient's body.

Cervical Adenitis Causes
Viral infection is the most common cause of cervical adenitis. Common viruses causing cervical adenitis involve Epstein bar virus, HIV and cutomegalovirus. Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes are responsible for causing unilateral cervical adenitis. Symptoms appear for longer duration with more fluctuations. In neonates, bacteremia is responsible for causing cervical adenitis. Anaerobic bacteria associated with dental diseases, may lead to cervical adenitis. Some unusual pathogens like staphylococcus epidermidis, fungi and enterobacteriaceae causes defect in functioning of granulocyte leading to cervical adenitis. Cat scratch disease, toxoplasmosis and mycobacterial infection are associated with chronic or subacute cervical adenitis.
Cervical Adenitis Treatment
As it is an infection, so pathogenic organisms are involved. Antibiotics medical therapy is used to treat cervical adenitis. If infection become chronic or severe, then antibiotics in the intravenous dosage form are recommended. In case of abscess or pus filled in lymph nodes, surgery is required to drain abscess or pus from lymph nodes. Some pain killers are prescribed to combat pain. A care chart is provided to patient for better treatment outcome. Patient is asked to drink more water than usual. Sometimes pathogenic organisms from nearby infection travels to lymph nodes, so treatment of leading cause is also necessary.
Cervical Adenitis Contagious
Cervical adenitis is not contagious usually. But if it occurs due to any contagious disease, then it may spread on touch and transmit from person to person. If the mass is soft and moveable, then. It may not spread because it is due to simple infection. If the swollen neck mass is hard and immovable, then it indicates the cancer as main cause. And cancer do not spread on touch. If it occurs secondary to tuberculosis, then it may transmit from person to person via touching and sneezing or coughing.
Cervical Adenitis Symptoms, Causes, Contagious, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
August 09, 2017