Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis, Chart, Calculator, pdf

  • What is Pucai Score?
  • Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis
  • Pucai Score
  • Pucai Score Calculator
  • Pucai Score pdf

What is Pucai Score?

The Pucai Score is a clinical index used in the assessment of disease activity in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It helps clinicians evaluate the severity of symptoms experienced by patients.

Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis, Chart, Calculator, pdf

Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis

The Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI) score is a tool used to measure the severity of symptoms in children with ulcerative colitis (UC). It is a non-invasive, simple, and quick method to assess the extent and severity of UC symptoms in children. The PUCAI score ranges from 0 to 85 and is categorized into four levels of severity:
  • Remission: Less than 10 points
  • Mild: 10-34 points
  • Moderate: 35-64 points
  • Severe: 65 or above points

Pucai Score Chart

Here is Pucai Score Chart:

Component Score Description
Stools 0 Normal (0 points)
1 1-2 stools more than normal (1 point)
2 3-4 stools more than normal (2 points)
3 5 or more stools more than normal (3 points)
Blood in stools 0 None (0 points)
1 Streaks of blood (1 point)
2 More blood than streaks but less than half the stool (2 points)
3 Half or more of the stool containing blood (3 points)
Nocturnal stools 0 None (0 points)
1 Waking up once (1 point)
2 Waking up twice (2 points)
3 Waking up three times or more (3 points)
Activity level 0 Normal activity (0 points)
1 Reduced activity but able to attend school or work (1 point)
2 Unable to attend school or work (2 points)
3 Bedridden (3 points)

Pucai Score Calculator

Here is Pucai Score Calculator. Enter scores from 0 to 3 for each category:

Abdominal Pain:
Blood in Stool:
Nocturnal Stools:
Stool Consistency:
General Well-being:

Pucai Score pdf

Here is PDF version of Pauci score Ulcerative Colitis.

Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis, Chart, Calculator, pdf Pucai Score Ulcerative Colitis, Chart, Calculator, pdf Reviewed by Simon Albert on June 21, 2024 Rating: 5
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