Nabothian Cyst in Cervix Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Ultrasound, Treatment
Nabothian cysts, also known as cervical cysts, are benign growths that develop on the surface of the cervix. These cysts develop when the cervix's mucus glands are obstructed, which leads to a buildup of fluid and the formation of a tiny sac.
Nabothian cysts are normally asymptomatic and typically identified during a routine pelvic exam. The majority of the time, they are not harmful and do not require treatment, though a doctor may occasionally advise cyst removal if it is painful or very large.
Rarely, multiple Nabothian cysts may develop at the same time. When this occurs, the cysts may grow quite large, causing discomfort during intercourse or making it difficult to place a tampon. In these circumstances, a medical professional might advise cyst removal.
A Nabothian cyst is not malignant and does not raise the risk of cervical cancer. However, it is critical to get yearly gynecological exams to check for any problems.
Nabothian Cyst in Cervix Pictures

Nabothian Cyst in Cervix Symptoms
Nabothian cysts are typically painless and asymptomatic. As a result of this, you probably won't know whether you have them unless your doctor brings it up after performing a pelvic exam on you.
Rarely, if you have a particularly large nabothian cyst, you may experience:
- Pain during intimate contact
- Pelvic discomfort
- irregular uterine bleeding
- Fluctuations in menstrual flow
- Larger cysts can put pressure on other organs in the pelvis, which can make it difficult to urinate. Furthermore, it might result in general aches, discomfort, or pressure in the pelvis.
Nabothian Cyst in Cervix Causes
The cervix has glands that secrete mucus all throughout it. During fertile periods, these are intended to facilitate the passage of sperm toward the egg by releasing cervix mucus. Sometimes, a form of skin cell known as squamous epithelium covers these mucus glands. When these skin cells cover a mucus gland, the mucus accumulates behind the skin cell, resulting in a cyst that is filled with fluid. Numerous individuals experience multiple nabothian cysts without exhibiting symptoms.
Nabothian Cyst in Cervix Ultrasound
A Nabothian cyst will show up on ultrasound as a little sac full of fluid and without any rough edges. It is frequently observed as a round or oval-shaped growth within the cervical tissue. The measurement of the cyst can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.
Despite the fact that Nabothian cysts are typically not harmful and do not need to be treated, an ultrasound may be carried out to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any other potential problems. When cysts are present, they can occasionally be large or multiple, which can make it uncomfortable to engage in intimacy or insert a tampon. In these circumstances, a medical professional might advise cyst removal.
It is significant to highlight that Nabothian cysts are regarded as benign conditions and do not raise the risk of cervical cancer. However, it is always essential to undergo routine gynecological examinations in order to detect any potential problems or concerns.
Nabothian Cyst in Cervix
Most cases of nabothian cysts do not require medical treatment. Your doctor may recommend therapy if your cysts are causing problems.
Nabothian cysts may be treated in a number of ways, such as:
In many instances, a healthcare provider may recommend just monitoring the cysts and observing any changes that occur over time.
If the cyst is causing distress, a healthcare provider might propose draining the fluid using a needle and syringe. The aspiration procedure is frequently carried out in a doctor's office or clinic while using local anesthesia.
Removal with surgery
In some instances, if the cyst is especially large or causing a lot of discomforts, surgical removal may be required. Under general anesthesia, this treatment, known as a cystectomy, is normally carried out in a hospital or surgical facility.