Conoid Tubercle Definition, Location, Attachment, Injury, Pain
One of the body's most adaptable joints is the human shoulder, which is a complex joint that supports a variety of motions. Several structures work together to stabilize and smooth shoulder movement. One of these structures is the conoid tubercle, which is vital to shoulder function.
The conoid tubercle is a bony prominence on the inferior aspect of the clavicle, specifically close to the acromial end. As a component of the coracoclavicular ligament complex, it serves as the conoid ligament's attachment point. The stability and effective operation of the shoulder joint depend on this ligament complex.
The conoid tubercle is located beneath the clavicle near the acromioclavicular joint. It acts as an attachment point for the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament, and it is a significant anatomical landmark in the shoulder. The position and structure of the conoid tubercle can vary slightly from person to person, but it is typically a small bony bump.

The conoid tubercle and the trapezoid ligament both contribute significantly to the stability of the acromioclavicular joint. These structures collaborate to prevent excessive clavicular upward movement and preserve the integrity of the shoulder complex. During overhead movements, lifting, and other shoulder-related athletic activity, the conoid tubercle is a vital support structure.
The conoid ligament is located on the clavicle and is attached to the conoid tubercle. This ligament originates from the coracoid process. This ligament is crucial for preserving the acromioclavicular joint's stability and structural integrity. In the absence of the conoid tubercle and its ligamentous connection, the joint's stability and functionality may be jeopardized, resulting in discomfort and dysfunction.
Conoid tubercle pain can be caused by trauma, repetitive strain, or overuse. Direct trauma or contact to the shoulder, such as from falls or sports-related injuries, are common causes of conoid tubercle pain. Pain in the conoid tubercle can also result from repetitive overhead motions like throwing, swimming, or weightlifting.
Conoid tubercle pain can present as localized pain over the medial clavicle, tenderness, edema, a restricted range of motion, and discomfort with particular motions or activities. When pressure is applied to the injured area or when moving overhead, pain may get worse.
In some instances, the conoid tubercle may be susceptible to a variety of conditions and traumas. The common problems include impingement syndromes, sprained ligaments, and conoid tubercle fractures. Direct trauma or powerful forces acting on the shoulder are the usual causes of conoid tubercle fractures. Ligament sprains can be caused by rapid movements that put too much tension on the conoid ligament or by repetitive strain. Impingement syndromes may develop when the conoid tubercle and nearby structures are squeezed or inflamed.