What is laryngeal webbing? - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, ICD-10 & CPT code
Your child may be experiencing signs of the laryngeal web, an uncommon disorder in which the windpipe is partially restricted, making normal breathing difficult. The larynx, often known as the voice box, is made up of tissue that is similar to a web and regulates the amount of air that passes through the windpipe. The thickness or thinness of the web will define the degree of your child's breathing restriction and may also influence the treatment that should be administered. The laryngeal web is typically a congenital abnormality, meaning it is present at birth. Laryngeal webs can develop in some circumstances, frequently as a result of prolonged intubation.
What is laryngeal webbing?
A congenital disorder known as laryngeal webbing causes an abnormal fusion or thickening of tissue in the larynx (voice box), which narrows or clogs the airway. As a result, people may have symptoms like breathing problems, stridor, and other loud breathing noises. The surgical removal of the webbing and opening of the airway is a potential treatment option.

The most prevalent symptoms of laryngeal webbing are typical breathing difficulties and stridor, which involves a buzzing sound like something is partly obstructing the windpipe. Other indications include an abnormally weak or nonexistent scream, an abnormally high or weak voice, chest infections, croup, and hoarseness. Stridor, often known as a high-pitched breathing sound, is a key indicator of upper airway blockage.
It is important to note that laryngeal webbing is a congenital condition, meaning it is present at birth. During embryological development, it happens when the epithelial layer that usually divides the vocal folds is not completely reabsorbed. Laryngeal webs are sometimes acquired, frequently as a result of prolonged intubation, gastric reflux, smoking, prior surgery, or a history of intubation or tracheostomy. Symptoms like stridor can develop when airflow is restricted between the vocal folds due to laryngeal webbing.
The purpose of treatment is to dislodge the obstruction by rupturing the web, allowing the airway to fully open. Your doctor might dilate your trachea and then use a laser or cutting equipment to remove the web, but it depends on how severe it is. Your surgeon might suggest an open surgical procedure to widen the airway in some instances of a thicker web.
Historically, the preferred treatment for laryngeal webs was laryngofissure with keel placement; however, endoscopic laser removal of the web with keel placement is currently the recommended method for thin anterior glottic webs.
Laryngeal Webbing ICD-10 Code
Laryngeal webbing is classified as Q31.0 in ICD-10. It is sometimes referred to as Congenital laryngeal web and is included under Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities.
Laryngeal Webbing CPT code
Laryngeal webbing is designated by the CPT code 31580, which falls under the category of Larynx Repair Procedures.