Collagenoma Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
The connective tissue nevus known as familial cutaneous collagenoma is characterized by several flesh-colored nodules that are asymptomatic and are scattered uniformly on the trunk and upper arms. This condition typically becomes apparent around the adolescent years. The biopsy of the skin shows that there is an increase in the number of collagen fibers, but a decrease in the number of elastic fibers. Cardiac abnormalities are possible.
There are two categories of collagenomas: acquired and hereditary. Inherited forms include autosomal dominant shagreen patches of tuberous sclerosis and familial cutaneous collagenoma. Both of these conditions affect the skin. The familial form of cutaneous collagenoma is characterized by the presence of many lesions and is frequently accompanied by heart conditions such as cardiomyopathy and conduction problems.
The two types of acquired collagenoma are eruptive and isolated. Eruptive collagenoma is characterized by distinct papules, nodules, or plaques that are raised, firm, and skin-colored. These lesions are symmetrically distributed throughout the trunk and extremities. Numerous lesions can be seen on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands in isolated collagenomas, but seldom on other areas of the body. Collagenoma's pathophysiology is unclear; but, sporadic collagenoma may be associated with trauma because it occurs in friction-prone locations. Additionally, hypogonadism, Down syndrome, and pseudohypoparathyroidism may all be connected to collagenomas.

Most people with familial cutaneous collagenoma have papules, which are solid bumps on the skin with no visible fluid. They can be as small as a pinhead or as big as less than 10 mm at their widest point.
In cases of familial cutaneous collagenoma, skin nodules may also be seen. They have a similar appearance to that of a papule, but their breadth and depth are both greater than 10 mm, and they are typically located in either the dermis or the subcutaneous fat.
Although the etiology of Collagenoma is undetermined, it is believed that this condition and other nevi of connective tissue are the results of a genetic abnormality in the skin cells, although they may also be the result of some underlying disease. The disorder is extremely uncommon. The majority of cases of FCC develop during adolescence, and cardiac disease is occasionally a factor. Tuberous sclerosis is the condition that is most commonly associated with the appearance of shagreen patches.
If eradication is necessary or desired, the only other alternative for these lesions is to have them surgically excised. Laser ablation therapy can also be used. To lower the overall size, partial removal or shaving could be done for cosmetic or symptomatic purposes.
For comparison with the suspected connective tissue nevus, biopsies are advised to be taken from subcutaneous tissue and from nearby normal skin. If there is a suspicion of systemic connections, the proper workup and diagnosis would be required. Screening for hypopigmented macules or patches with a Wood's lamp may be beneficial, particularly if there is a concern for tuberous sclerosis.