Cleidocranial Dysplasia Causes
Cleidocranial dysplasia is all about bone deformity. The bones which are mainly involved in this dysplasia are clavicle bone and cranium. Cleidocranial dysplasia mainly affects the upper structure of the body. In occurs in newborn children. There are two main causes of its occurrence. 1st one is, it may occur due to Gene mutation during the development of a fetus, and the 2nd cause is, it may occur as a new mutation in the newborn child.
So if the family has a history with cleidocranial dysplasia, then there are chances that the newborn baby of the family may suffer from this deformity. It is a rare disease, and life expectancy is also normal. The appearance of the body is affected.
There is another article in which a Gene named CBFA1 is involved in mutation and considered a cause of cleidocranial dysplasia. This gene is responsible for core-binding factor activity 1. The defect in this gene can be observed on the shorter arm of chromosome no. 6p21. CBFA1 gene is specified for the differentiation of stem cells into the osteoblasts. When any kind of defect occurs in this gene, it leads to endochondral and membranous bone formation.
According to the defect in this specific gene, the symptoms appear in a wide range with variable expressions. The dominant genetic trait of disease appears as a result of a single copy of the abnormal gene. There is not any gender preference. It can occur in both men and women. There are 50% chances of transfer of cleidocranial dysplasia in infants from parents.
So if the family has a history with cleidocranial dysplasia, then there are chances that the newborn baby of the family may suffer from this deformity. It is a rare disease, and life expectancy is also normal. The appearance of the body is affected.
It is inherited to the infant during pregnancy as an autosomal dominant trait. But in some of the cases, the exact cause behind cleidocranial dysplasia is not known. There is a specific Gene named RUNX2, which is also known as CBFA1 is involved in this mutation. This gene is located on chromosome no. 6, specifically on the shorter arm. This gene is responsible for the transcription process of osteoblast differentiation.
Due to mutation in this gene, the functions are delayed. As a result, there is late ossification of the midline structure of the body. It can especially be seen in membranous bone. All this occurs during the development of the fetus in pregnancy. The pregnant lady comes to know about it during the sonography of the fetus. If the measured shoulder length is smaller than usual, then there are chances of cleidocranial dysplasia.

There is another article in which a Gene named CBFA1 is involved in mutation and considered a cause of cleidocranial dysplasia. This gene is responsible for core-binding factor activity 1. The defect in this gene can be observed on the shorter arm of chromosome no. 6p21. CBFA1 gene is specified for the differentiation of stem cells into the osteoblasts. When any kind of defect occurs in this gene, it leads to endochondral and membranous bone formation.
According to the defect in this specific gene, the symptoms appear in a wide range with variable expressions. The dominant genetic trait of disease appears as a result of a single copy of the abnormal gene. There is not any gender preference. It can occur in both men and women. There are 50% chances of transfer of cleidocranial dysplasia in infants from parents.
Details about the sex chromosomes of the body include X and Y chromosomes from male joins with 2 X chromosomes of females. Now every chromosome has a short Arm named "p" and a long arm named "q." There are further bands on each arm of the chromosome. The position of Gene can be defined according to the band of the shorter arm of a chromosome.
Up till now, almost 1000 cases are reported. And among them, 50% of cases occurred as a result of the inheritance of such a dominant trait. Remaining 50% of cases were reported as a new mutation of the gene mentioned above.
Up till now, almost 1000 cases are reported. And among them, 50% of cases occurred as a result of the inheritance of such a dominant trait. Remaining 50% of cases were reported as a new mutation of the gene mentioned above.
Cleidocranial Dysplasia Causes
Reviewed by Simon Albert
April 22, 2020