What is Severe Clitoromegaly?
Clitoromegaly is a medical condition in which the clitoris is increased in size than usual. It can be easily defined with its name i.e., clitoro means clitoris and megaly means an increase in size. The clitoris is a part of the female external genitalia and can be easily seen outside the body. Only in rare cases, it is inside the body. In clitoromegaly, the clitoris is all outside the body due to swelling, or we can say an increase in size. Due to swelling, the clitoris becomes red in color, and the patient may feel itching.
Clitoromegaly is not a pathological condition because it is just enlargement in the size of the clitoris, and there is nothing more than this. Clitoromegaly is a medical condition that requires treatment according to its underlying cause. There are two main categories regarding the causes of clitoromegaly. 1st one is the congenital cause (contains congenital adrenal hyperplasia), and the other one is acquired cause (contains many causes of creating clitoromegaly). The congenital causes include congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It further has some causes behind it. These kinds of causes lead to severe clitoromegaly, and treating them is a difficult task. Hormonal therapy is recommended in such cases.
The appearance of clitoromegaly matters a lot. In severe cases, the clitoris resembles a lot with a penis, or we can say it has a penile appearance. This can only be corrected with the help of surgery. Other causes may include increased intake or increased exposure of the body to testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone which is the type of androgen. Androgens are male hormones that are responsible for the development of the penis in men. The penis is the homolog of the clitoris in women.
So when the level of androgens increases in the body, the clitoris becomes swell and looks more like a penis. It makes the situation worse, and a surgical procedure is required to treat it. Surgery is only recommended in severe cases, but in mind or in moderate cases, it is recommended to treat it with the help of medication and hormonal therapy. Symptoms regarding severe cases may include the following;
Clitoromegaly is not a pathological condition because it is just enlargement in the size of the clitoris, and there is nothing more than this. Clitoromegaly is a medical condition that requires treatment according to its underlying cause. There are two main categories regarding the causes of clitoromegaly. 1st one is the congenital cause (contains congenital adrenal hyperplasia), and the other one is acquired cause (contains many causes of creating clitoromegaly). The congenital causes include congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It further has some causes behind it. These kinds of causes lead to severe clitoromegaly, and treating them is a difficult task. Hormonal therapy is recommended in such cases.

The appearance of clitoromegaly matters a lot. In severe cases, the clitoris resembles a lot with a penis, or we can say it has a penile appearance. This can only be corrected with the help of surgery. Other causes may include increased intake or increased exposure of the body to testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone which is the type of androgen. Androgens are male hormones that are responsible for the development of the penis in men. The penis is the homolog of the clitoris in women.
So when the level of androgens increases in the body, the clitoris becomes swell and looks more like a penis. It makes the situation worse, and a surgical procedure is required to treat it. Surgery is only recommended in severe cases, but in mind or in moderate cases, it is recommended to treat it with the help of medication and hormonal therapy. Symptoms regarding severe cases may include the following;
- The patient may feel severe itching and pain in the clitoris and surrounding region.
- There will be more swelling and redness.
- The patient feels uncomfortable while walking or running because it can easily touch the clothing and sides, leading to uncomfortable walking and running.
- In severe cases, there may be a pain in the clitoris and the surrounding region.
- Along with all these symptoms, the patient has to avoid contact with her partner because sexual interaction can make it worse. Even the patient can't bear the pain generating due to sexual excitement.
- All these symptoms can be treated with the help of surgery. Along with surgery, the other treatment plans are also followed. Like along with surgical correction, the patient has to take antibiotics to avoid infection. If any allergy is the cause, then anti-allergic products are used along with the surgical procedure.
- In severe cases of clitoromegaly, patients can't move properly because of swelling in the clitoris, so most patients demand emergency treatment.
What is Severe Clitoromegaly?
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 11, 2020