Cleidocranial Dysplasia Life Expectancy
Cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare disease and occurs in almost one child per I million children. It is not a fatal condition. It can be treated and managed in a good way. Surgeries are performed to treat the bone and teeth deformity. The life expectancy of children with cleidocranial dysplasia is normal. Children with cleidocranial dysplasia survive like average people children, but they need some extra care and attention in order to cope with their deformed structure.
Life expectancy also depends upon the care and attention of parents. Parents have to keep an eye on their children so they can grow in a better way. Parents have to teach their children how to move and walk and talk properly. These children require special care from both health care providers and parents. Children may lead a healthy and fulfilling life if parents support them in any way.
Early diagnosis of cleidocranial dysplasia is important. Late diagnosis may lead to further problems, and ultimately the newborn my die. In most cases, cleidocranial dysplasia is diagnosed within the womb of the mother. Sonography is performed to check the normal development of the baby. The size of the shoulder is measured and assessed as if it is normal or shorter in size. If the size of the shoulder is smaller than average, then it is due to cleidocranial dysplasia.
Cleidocranial dysplasia has the symptoms which resemble the symptoms of many other conditions like mandibulofacial dysplasia, pyknodysostosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, and Hajdu Cheney syndrome. So diagnosis should be accurate. X-rays and other tests may confuse the diagnosis and lead to mismanagement of cleidocranial dysplasia. As a result, life expectancy is reduced. The newborn may die due to mismanagement.
As it leads to various medical conditions like sinus infections, ear infections, and sleep apnea, so, management of these medical conditions is also necessary. If there is a sinus infection, then life expectancy may go lower due to no proper treatment or management. If these conditions are left untreated, then it may get worse. Early management leads to improved life expectancy rates. If there is a delay in the management of cleidocranial dysplasia, then the chances of life expectancy become less.
Life expectancy also depends upon the care and attention of parents. Parents have to keep an eye on their children so they can grow in a better way. Parents have to teach their children how to move and walk and talk properly. These children require special care from both health care providers and parents. Children may lead a healthy and fulfilling life if parents support them in any way.

Cleidocranial dysplasia has the symptoms which resemble the symptoms of many other conditions like mandibulofacial dysplasia, pyknodysostosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, and Hajdu Cheney syndrome. So diagnosis should be accurate. X-rays and other tests may confuse the diagnosis and lead to mismanagement of cleidocranial dysplasia. As a result, life expectancy is reduced. The newborn may die due to mismanagement.
As it leads to various medical conditions like sinus infections, ear infections, and sleep apnea, so, management of these medical conditions is also necessary. If there is a sinus infection, then life expectancy may go lower due to no proper treatment or management. If these conditions are left untreated, then it may get worse. Early management leads to improved life expectancy rates. If there is a delay in the management of cleidocranial dysplasia, then the chances of life expectancy become less.
People with cleidocranial dysplasia have a normal life expectancy. The survival rate also depends on the immunity and will power of a child. There is no proper or specific treatment for cleidocranial dysplasia, so management is important. Without the management of symptoms and the structure of the body, it becomes difficult for the child to cope with these deformities. Management is dependent on the symptoms of an individual. In most cases, the patient requires keen dental care for the management of teeth and jaws. Dental abnormalities are part of symptoms of cleidocranial dysplasia.
It takes years for children to be familiar with such structural deformities. Proper speech therapies are conducted to check the speech and language of children suffering from cleidocranial dysplasia. Till now, no case is reported with the death of the child.
It takes years for children to be familiar with such structural deformities. Proper speech therapies are conducted to check the speech and language of children suffering from cleidocranial dysplasia. Till now, no case is reported with the death of the child.
Cleidocranial Dysplasia Life Expectancy
Reviewed by Simon Albert
April 20, 2020