Biochemical Pregnancy in IVF, Symptoms, Causes, Success Rate, Loss
Pregnancy loss right after implantation of fetus is known as biochemical pregnancy. Biochemical pregnancy is considered a main reason behind 50 to 75 percent of miscarriages. Biochemical pregnancy occurs at very early stage that ultrasound cannot detect it. But a blood test or urine test can show positive pregnancy test because hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone level increases at initial stage. hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is created right after implantation and before biochemical pregnancy. Some women are not aware of their biochemical pregnancy because it is asymptomatic.
Some women undergo biochemical pregnancy without knowing about pregnancy. This is so because biochemical pregnancy is asymptomatic. In some cases, women experience some symptoms like muscle cramps in the lower abdominal region, mentrual like pain, bleeding from vagina in starting days (days in which pregnancy is confirmed). Bleeding is not always considered a symptom of biochemical pregnancy because bleeding is normal while implantation of fetus. Implantation means fusion of a sperm with egg. Biochemical pregnancy does not give enough time for the nausea and fatigue because it occurs after short time of implantation.
Biochemical pregnancy can also occur after fusion of egg and sperm in in-vitro fertilization IVF. After fusion of egg and sperm in in-vitro fertilization, the zygote is transferred to the womb of mother. But after placing of zygote, biochemical pregnancy occurs. In-vitro fertilization is carried out if the fallopian tubes are damaged, endometriosis occurs, ovulation problems and uterine fibroids. There may be any other problem regarding fertilization. A pregnancy test is performed to check pregnancy within 9 to 14 days after in-vitro fertilization. If there will be a problem or abnormality in embryo, then unfortunately biochemical pregnancy can occur.
Biochemical pregnancy is a miscarriage which does not have any specific cause but can occur due to abnormality in embryo. Embryonic abnormality include low quality of sperms and egg. Causes other than this may include abnormalities in uterus, abnormality in hormonal level, some infections like chlamydia and syphilis also cause biochemical pregnancy and In vitro fertilization i.e. implantation of embryo outside uterus. Other than these, age also affects biochemical pregnancy. Women after 35 years of age can undergo biochemical pregnancy. Other medical problems include thyroid disorder and clotting.
Biochemical pregnancy varies from person to person. Patient may have consecutive miscarriages one after the other due to biochemical pregnancy. But in some cases, women may have a successful pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy. It depends on condition of patient and care. The success rate is 48 percent.
After studying various cases of biochemical pregnancy, the chances of pregnancy after IVF are 54 percent, chances of pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy are 61 percent and chances of pregnancy after previous spontaneous abortion are 46 percent. The loss of pregnancy chances are high as compare to successful pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy.
Biochemical Pregnancy Symptoms
Some women undergo biochemical pregnancy without knowing about pregnancy. This is so because biochemical pregnancy is asymptomatic. In some cases, women experience some symptoms like muscle cramps in the lower abdominal region, mentrual like pain, bleeding from vagina in starting days (days in which pregnancy is confirmed). Bleeding is not always considered a symptom of biochemical pregnancy because bleeding is normal while implantation of fetus. Implantation means fusion of a sperm with egg. Biochemical pregnancy does not give enough time for the nausea and fatigue because it occurs after short time of implantation.

Biochemical Pregnancy in-vitro Fertilization
Biochemical pregnancy can also occur after fusion of egg and sperm in in-vitro fertilization IVF. After fusion of egg and sperm in in-vitro fertilization, the zygote is transferred to the womb of mother. But after placing of zygote, biochemical pregnancy occurs. In-vitro fertilization is carried out if the fallopian tubes are damaged, endometriosis occurs, ovulation problems and uterine fibroids. There may be any other problem regarding fertilization. A pregnancy test is performed to check pregnancy within 9 to 14 days after in-vitro fertilization. If there will be a problem or abnormality in embryo, then unfortunately biochemical pregnancy can occur.
Biochemical Pregnancy Causes
Biochemical pregnancy is a miscarriage which does not have any specific cause but can occur due to abnormality in embryo. Embryonic abnormality include low quality of sperms and egg. Causes other than this may include abnormalities in uterus, abnormality in hormonal level, some infections like chlamydia and syphilis also cause biochemical pregnancy and In vitro fertilization i.e. implantation of embryo outside uterus. Other than these, age also affects biochemical pregnancy. Women after 35 years of age can undergo biochemical pregnancy. Other medical problems include thyroid disorder and clotting.
Biochemical Pregnancy Success Rate
Biochemical pregnancy varies from person to person. Patient may have consecutive miscarriages one after the other due to biochemical pregnancy. But in some cases, women may have a successful pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy. It depends on condition of patient and care. The success rate is 48 percent.
Biochemical Pregnancy Loss Rate
After studying various cases of biochemical pregnancy, the chances of pregnancy after IVF are 54 percent, chances of pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy are 61 percent and chances of pregnancy after previous spontaneous abortion are 46 percent. The loss of pregnancy chances are high as compare to successful pregnancy after biochemical pregnancy.
Biochemical Pregnancy in IVF, Symptoms, Causes, Success Rate, Loss
Reviewed by Simon Albert
January 07, 2020