Miller Fisher Syndrome Recovery Time, After Effects, Complications, Pathology
Fisher's syndrome is the other name of Miller Fisher syndrome. It is named after Dr. C. Miller Fisher. It is a variant or subtype of guillain barre syndrome. It is a rare nerve disorder. Miller Fisher syndrome initiates in result of rapid development of 3 main problems e.g 1. Patient lose control over his body movement like clumsy or sloppy walking. Patient have poor coordination and body balance.
2. Tendon present deep down in muscles show less reflexes specially in knee and ankle. 3. Problem related to eyes I.e. dropping eyelids, weakness in facial muscles, weakness in eye muscles and blurry or double vision.
Luckily Miller Fisher syndrome is a short term problem. It progress for some weeks and then it starts improving. The symptoms of Miller Fisher syndrome shows presence of guillain barre syndrome GBS. In case of pure Miller Fisher syndrome, patient usually takes 2 to 3 months to recover. The recovery time may delay if it causes further complications. Usually Miller Fisher syndrome does not require treatment because it start improving on its own but in case of complications, treatment is required which normalize activity of immune system. Treatment involves high dose of immune globulins and plasma exchange.
Miller Fisher syndrome is a self limiting syndrome. After maintaining plateau it starts improving. Normal recovery time is 2 to 3 months but it may extend up to 6 months. But weakness may last long. Weakness in muscles is a major characteristic of Miller Fisher syndrome so it may affect muscles of heart and lungs too. Patient may feel difficulty in breathing along with problems in cardiac activity. Immediate treatment and Special care is required to manage these complications. If these complications left untreated, then these may prove fatal for patient health.
The patient with Miller Fisher syndrome may show waddling duck like gait. And this is because of loss of fat rich material named myelin around nerves which acts as an insulator. The nerve involved is designated as 1A. It innervates in muscle spindle which is the main sensory organ of muscle. The fibers in muscle spindle is responsible for sending information to spinal cord. The information contains signals for the movement of muscles. Without this transmission if information, the muscles may not move properly. Other possible cause include auto immune mechanism. In this mechanism, antibodies are produced against antigen present around nerves causing demyelination.
Luckily Miller Fisher syndrome is a self limiting disease which resolves on its own after a specific period of time. After achieving peak factor, it will start improving approximately after 2 to 3 months. But sometimes even after complete improvement, the symptoms still persist. Like most of the patient reported double or blurred vision which is getting worse day by day. The muscle remains weak even after complete recovery. The movement of muscles and bones completely recover on its own but weakness persist. And it is considered a main drawback or side effect of Miller Fisher syndrome.
2. Tendon present deep down in muscles show less reflexes specially in knee and ankle. 3. Problem related to eyes I.e. dropping eyelids, weakness in facial muscles, weakness in eye muscles and blurry or double vision.
Miller Fisher Syndrome Recovery Time
Luckily Miller Fisher syndrome is a short term problem. It progress for some weeks and then it starts improving. The symptoms of Miller Fisher syndrome shows presence of guillain barre syndrome GBS. In case of pure Miller Fisher syndrome, patient usually takes 2 to 3 months to recover. The recovery time may delay if it causes further complications. Usually Miller Fisher syndrome does not require treatment because it start improving on its own but in case of complications, treatment is required which normalize activity of immune system. Treatment involves high dose of immune globulins and plasma exchange.

Miller Fisher Syndrome Complications
Miller Fisher syndrome is a self limiting syndrome. After maintaining plateau it starts improving. Normal recovery time is 2 to 3 months but it may extend up to 6 months. But weakness may last long. Weakness in muscles is a major characteristic of Miller Fisher syndrome so it may affect muscles of heart and lungs too. Patient may feel difficulty in breathing along with problems in cardiac activity. Immediate treatment and Special care is required to manage these complications. If these complications left untreated, then these may prove fatal for patient health.
Miller Fisher Syndrome Pathology
The patient with Miller Fisher syndrome may show waddling duck like gait. And this is because of loss of fat rich material named myelin around nerves which acts as an insulator. The nerve involved is designated as 1A. It innervates in muscle spindle which is the main sensory organ of muscle. The fibers in muscle spindle is responsible for sending information to spinal cord. The information contains signals for the movement of muscles. Without this transmission if information, the muscles may not move properly. Other possible cause include auto immune mechanism. In this mechanism, antibodies are produced against antigen present around nerves causing demyelination.
Miller Fisher Syndrome After Effects
Luckily Miller Fisher syndrome is a self limiting disease which resolves on its own after a specific period of time. After achieving peak factor, it will start improving approximately after 2 to 3 months. But sometimes even after complete improvement, the symptoms still persist. Like most of the patient reported double or blurred vision which is getting worse day by day. The muscle remains weak even after complete recovery. The movement of muscles and bones completely recover on its own but weakness persist. And it is considered a main drawback or side effect of Miller Fisher syndrome.
Miller Fisher Syndrome Recovery Time, After Effects, Complications, Pathology
Reviewed by Simon Albert
July 02, 2019