Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Treatment
Supine hypotensive syndrome is defined as hypotension occurs when pregnant woman lies on her back. Patient feel dizziness, low blood pressure, nausea, sweating, increased heart beat and pallor when she lies on her back. All these symptoms disappear when pregnant woman changes her lying position. Supine hypotensive syndrome occurs due to compression of main artery and vein supplying blood to whole body. It is not common during pregnancy. But pregnant woman who do not develop supine hypotensive syndrome have a compensatory mechanism of blood supply like increased collateral venous flow. The venous blood passes through paravertebral system leads to increased cardiac output.
Supine hypotensive syndrome is associated with hypotension symptoms. Pregnant woman complains about back ache with increased heartbeat. When pregnant woman lies on her back I.e. supine position feels numbness or weakness in limbs due to decreased blood flow. She feels dizziness and nausea and vomiting. She also feels light headedness and pallor. These symptoms persist for about 3 to 10 minutes and then disappear. Usually these symptoms disappear when pregnant woman changes her lying position. In severe condition, woman may lose her consciousness even maternal or fetal death can occur due to nerve compression.
Supine hypotensive syndrome is defined as decrease in systolic blood pressure at least 15 to 30 mmHg. It occurs in pregnant woman and initiates during second trimester of pregnancy. Pathophysiology demonstrate that when pregnant woman lies on her back I.e. in supine position the main artery and vein supplying blood to whole body got compress due to weight of fetus. Due this Compression, arterial and venous blood supply got disturb. Blood no more circulates in arteries and veins I.e. blood circulation almost stops. It may persist for about 10 mins and Maternal or fetal death can occur.
Supine hypotensive syndrome can prove fatal for both mother and fetus so preventive measures should be followed like pregnant woman should lie on her left lateral position. Other options include lying with left lateral tilt and displacement of gravid uterus with hand while lying straight. Displacement of fetus will not compress arteries and veins traveling down the body because fetus is moved by hand on either side of body to reduce weight on blood vessels. A wedge or cushion is placed under right sided hip so that 15° to 30° tilt is achieved.
Supine hypotensive syndrome is temporary and resolve on its own. When pregnant woman changes her position i.e. from supine position to either left or right side these symptoms disappear. Due to changes in position the nerve compression decreases and blood supply does not stop. Radiographic studies shows less compression in left lateral position as compared to supine position. And there are less or no chances of maternal and fetal death in left lateral or left lateral tilt position. Other than these, woman can displace her gravid uterus manually as displacing uterus on either side reduces nerve compression.

Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Symptoms
Supine hypotensive syndrome is associated with hypotension symptoms. Pregnant woman complains about back ache with increased heartbeat. When pregnant woman lies on her back I.e. supine position feels numbness or weakness in limbs due to decreased blood flow. She feels dizziness and nausea and vomiting. She also feels light headedness and pallor. These symptoms persist for about 3 to 10 minutes and then disappear. Usually these symptoms disappear when pregnant woman changes her lying position. In severe condition, woman may lose her consciousness even maternal or fetal death can occur due to nerve compression.
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Causes
Supine hypotensive syndrome is defined as decrease in systolic blood pressure at least 15 to 30 mmHg. It occurs in pregnant woman and initiates during second trimester of pregnancy. Pathophysiology demonstrate that when pregnant woman lies on her back I.e. in supine position the main artery and vein supplying blood to whole body got compress due to weight of fetus. Due this Compression, arterial and venous blood supply got disturb. Blood no more circulates in arteries and veins I.e. blood circulation almost stops. It may persist for about 10 mins and Maternal or fetal death can occur.
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Prevention
Supine hypotensive syndrome can prove fatal for both mother and fetus so preventive measures should be followed like pregnant woman should lie on her left lateral position. Other options include lying with left lateral tilt and displacement of gravid uterus with hand while lying straight. Displacement of fetus will not compress arteries and veins traveling down the body because fetus is moved by hand on either side of body to reduce weight on blood vessels. A wedge or cushion is placed under right sided hip so that 15° to 30° tilt is achieved.
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Treatment
Supine hypotensive syndrome is temporary and resolve on its own. When pregnant woman changes her position i.e. from supine position to either left or right side these symptoms disappear. Due to changes in position the nerve compression decreases and blood supply does not stop. Radiographic studies shows less compression in left lateral position as compared to supine position. And there are less or no chances of maternal and fetal death in left lateral or left lateral tilt position. Other than these, woman can displace her gravid uterus manually as displacing uterus on either side reduces nerve compression.
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
June 23, 2019