Pelvic Obliquity Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Assessment, Treatment
Pelvic obliquity is a condition in which the pelvis is not aligned according to the body. It is an abnormality in posture. In this condition, one side of the hip is higher than the other side. Anterior superior iliac spines or posterior superior iliac spines landmarks are checked and compared with each other. Posterior superior iliac spines of one side are compared with posterior superior iliac spines of other side and it is observed that one side is higher than the other one. Palpation of anterior superior iliac spines are more easy because these are more prominent than posterior one.
Pelvic obliquity is the misalignment of pelvis or tilted pelvis. In this condition, the hip of one side is higher than the hip of other side. This is due to increased tension in muscles of higher hip side. The spine of patient is also affected. So it appears like patient have uneven hips and unequal legs. Pelvic obliquity further causes problems in neck and shoulder region, in spine, knees, feet and disks. Human body has its own natural righting reactions. So body itself tries to align the tilted pelvis and as a result scoliosis occurs.
Pelvic obliquity may occur either congenitally or acquired. Scoliosis is the most common cause which leads to congenital pelvic obliquity. Scoliosis is the tilted or misaligned bone which transfer genetically from parents to their offsprings. It can occur due to anatomical difference in both legs. This difference may occur due to an accident in which thigh bone or lower leg bone get fractured. Congenital anatomical difference is rare as compare to acquired anatomical difference. Other than scoliosis, contractures of hip bone also causes this anatomical difference. These are the only possible causes behind pelvic obliquity I.e. misaligned hip bone.
Treatment of pelvic obliquity is designed according to its cause. If there is a difference in leg length, then orthopedic inserts or special shoes helps a lot to clear out the difference. Surgical intervention is selected rarely. If pelvic obliquity occurs due to congenital scoliosis, then progressive muscle relaxation and physiotherapy helps a lot in treating pelvic obliquity. Chiropractors are used to initiate spinal manipulation. Electrical muscle stimulation is also used. Other than this, heat therapy helps to reduce muscle spasm. Patient is asked to keep hydrated because dehydration may lead to inflammation of site.
Assessment of pelvic obliquity is not that much difficult but physician have to focus completely. For assessment, palpation from front side is preferred. As anterior superior iliac spines are more prominent as compared to posterior superior iliac spines. During assessment, anterior superior iliac spines of one side is compared with the other side anterior superior iliac spines. Then alignment is checked. If physician gets no data from anterior superior iliac spines, then posterior superior iliac spines of both sides are also compared. Usually both anterior superior iliac spines and posterior superior iliac spines are assessed simultaneously during movement.
Pelvic Obliquity Symptoms
Pelvic obliquity is the misalignment of pelvis or tilted pelvis. In this condition, the hip of one side is higher than the hip of other side. This is due to increased tension in muscles of higher hip side. The spine of patient is also affected. So it appears like patient have uneven hips and unequal legs. Pelvic obliquity further causes problems in neck and shoulder region, in spine, knees, feet and disks. Human body has its own natural righting reactions. So body itself tries to align the tilted pelvis and as a result scoliosis occurs.

Pelvic Obliquity Causes
Pelvic obliquity may occur either congenitally or acquired. Scoliosis is the most common cause which leads to congenital pelvic obliquity. Scoliosis is the tilted or misaligned bone which transfer genetically from parents to their offsprings. It can occur due to anatomical difference in both legs. This difference may occur due to an accident in which thigh bone or lower leg bone get fractured. Congenital anatomical difference is rare as compare to acquired anatomical difference. Other than scoliosis, contractures of hip bone also causes this anatomical difference. These are the only possible causes behind pelvic obliquity I.e. misaligned hip bone.
Pelvic Obliquity Treatment
Treatment of pelvic obliquity is designed according to its cause. If there is a difference in leg length, then orthopedic inserts or special shoes helps a lot to clear out the difference. Surgical intervention is selected rarely. If pelvic obliquity occurs due to congenital scoliosis, then progressive muscle relaxation and physiotherapy helps a lot in treating pelvic obliquity. Chiropractors are used to initiate spinal manipulation. Electrical muscle stimulation is also used. Other than this, heat therapy helps to reduce muscle spasm. Patient is asked to keep hydrated because dehydration may lead to inflammation of site.
Pelvic Obliquity Assessment
Assessment of pelvic obliquity is not that much difficult but physician have to focus completely. For assessment, palpation from front side is preferred. As anterior superior iliac spines are more prominent as compared to posterior superior iliac spines. During assessment, anterior superior iliac spines of one side is compared with the other side anterior superior iliac spines. Then alignment is checked. If physician gets no data from anterior superior iliac spines, then posterior superior iliac spines of both sides are also compared. Usually both anterior superior iliac spines and posterior superior iliac spines are assessed simultaneously during movement.
Pelvic Obliquity Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Assessment, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
March 26, 2019