Molluscoid Pseudotumors Definition, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Molluscoid pseudotumors are the soft tissue regeneration in ehlers danlos syndrome. Ehlers danlos syndrome is the syndrome of connective tissues of body. Mulluscoid pseudotumors are the tumors which are bluish grey in color and usually appear on the areas which are traumatized like elbows and knees. These are the nodules which are spongy in nature and leave a scar on the pressure points. The scars it leaves on the knees and elbows are thin and wide and papyraceous in nature that's why these are also known as cigarette paper scars.
Basically mulluscoid pseudotumors are the indication of a syndrome named ehlers danlos syndrome. These are the localized skin lesions. In ehlers danlos syndrome the elastin and collagen of skin is not present. It is a skin disease. According to the name of disease, mulluscoid is derived from a phylum of invertebrates i.e. phylum molluscs and pseudotumors mean half tumor in nature. These are localized in nature. It usually occur on for arm, tendo-achilles and shin because these areas are easily traumatized. In molluscoid pseudotumors, the subcutaneous fat is herniated through atropic dermal scars. This is the rare sign of ehlers danlos syndrome and it only occur in this specific syndrome.
Basically mulluscoid pseudotumors are the indication of a syndrome named ehlers danlos syndrome. These are the localized skin lesions. In ehlers danlos syndrome the elastin and collagen of skin is not present. It is a skin disease. According to the name of disease, mulluscoid is derived from a phylum of invertebrates i.e. phylum molluscs and pseudotumors mean half tumor in nature. These are localized in nature. It usually occur on for arm, tendo-achilles and shin because these areas are easily traumatized. In molluscoid pseudotumors, the subcutaneous fat is herniated through atropic dermal scars. This is the rare sign of ehlers danlos syndrome and it only occur in this specific syndrome.
Molluscoid pseudotumors Pictures

Molluscoid pseudotumors Symptoms
Molluscoid pseudotumors are the sign of ehlers danlos syndrome. These are the localized lesions. These are the nodules which are spongy in nature. The color of these lesions is bluish grey. These are basically the scars which occur as a result of spongy nodules. These scars are thin and papyraceous and wide in nature that's why these may also be called cigarette paper scars. These are the main visible symptoms of mulluscoid pseudotumors. It includes the smooth skin. It usually occur on the pressure points of some specific regions. Those regions which are easily traumatized i.e. forearm, knees, elbows and shins etc.
Molluscoid pseudotumors Causes
Molluscoid pseudotumors are the calcified lesions which occur due to the calcification of the fat globules of skin. It is a sign of a disease named ehlers danlos syndrome. Ehlers danlos syndrome is the genetic disease of connective tissues of skin of body. Whenever any surgery is performed in the ehlers danlos syndrome, the point of lesion got calcified and it results in molluscoid pseudotumors. These usually occur on the areas of body which are easily traumatized. The most common sites are the elbow and knee, shin and forearm. Basically lesions on skin leads to formation of mulluscoid pseudotumors.
Molluscoid pseudotumors Treatment
Molluscoid pseudotumors are the sign of ehlers danlos syndrome. So treating ehlers danlos syndrome will ultimately treat molluscoid pseudotumors. There is not any proper treatment of ehlers danlos syndrome because it is a genetic syndrome, but the symptoms can be managed with some physical therapy and medications. The medications involve pain killers and the blood pressure control pills. In molluscoid pseudotumors, the blood vessels may get fragile and in that case, blood pressure should be maintained. Physical therapy helps a lot in strengthening up of muscles and tissues of skin.
Molluscoid Pseudotumors Definition, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 06, 2019