Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds Location, Indications, Characteristics
Bronchovesicular sounds means sounds that are present between bronchial and vesicular breath sounds. These bronchovesicular breath sounds are normal if heard between 1st and 2nd intercoastal spaces. Observed anteriorly and posteriorly in between scapulae. If these sounds are observed in peripheral region then these bronchovesicular breath sounds are abnormal. These abnormal sounds shows whether there may be lung compression or pneumonia. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are normal if heard near trachea and the pitch of sound is high near trachea and alveoli. Vesicular sounds are near thorax region with low pitch and are softer as compared to bronchial breath sounds.
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are normally observed in the upper region I.e. between 1st and 2nd intercoastal spaces (anteriorly and posteriorly between scapulae). The bronchial breath sounds are normally heard in tracheal region and alveolar region. The pitch of bronchial breath sounds is high. The vesicular breath sounds are normally observed in thorax region. The pitch of vesicular breath sounds is low as compared to bronchial breath sounds. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are observed within these two regions but if observed other than these two regions, then there may any disease. And the most common diseases include lung collapse and pneumonia.
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are normal but if these sounds are observed other than its original position, then these sounds become abnormal and indicate the presence of any abnormality or disease. Some of the common abnormal bronchovesicular breath sounds which indicate abnormality are:
Crackles: the abnormal sound which is discontinuous, explosive or we can say popping sound with high pitch. This sound indicate the presence of excessive fluid.
Wheezes: this is a musical type of abnormal sound which can easily be heard at initial inspiration or late expiration during breathing. It indicates the narrowing or collapse of airways.
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are the normal breath sounds which produce during breathing. These sounds can be easily heard in between 1st and 2nd intercoastal spaces anteriorly or posteriorly in between scapulae. The bronchial breath sounds are produced when there is full inspiratory phase and short or soft expiratory phase. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are softer as compared to bronchial breath sounds. Bronchovesicular breath sounds have tubular quality. These breath sounds are equal during expiration and inspiration. The difference in pitch and intensity of sound can be observed only in expiration phase.
Vesicular breath sounds are normal during breathing. These sounds can be observed at the thorax region. The pitch of vesicular breath sounds is low and soft. We can say it is a blowing or rustling sound produced throughout inspiration and continue until expiration. After that it fades away slowly to almost one third of way during expiration. In a lung, filled with air, vesicular breath sounds can be easily heard throughout lung fields. Usually these sounds can be heard at periphery of lung field. These sounds are produced due to attenuation of breath sounds produced in bronchi instead of inhalation of air inside airway or alveoli.
Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds Location
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are normally observed in the upper region I.e. between 1st and 2nd intercoastal spaces (anteriorly and posteriorly between scapulae). The bronchial breath sounds are normally heard in tracheal region and alveolar region. The pitch of bronchial breath sounds is high. The vesicular breath sounds are normally observed in thorax region. The pitch of vesicular breath sounds is low as compared to bronchial breath sounds. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are observed within these two regions but if observed other than these two regions, then there may any disease. And the most common diseases include lung collapse and pneumonia.

Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds Indication
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are normal but if these sounds are observed other than its original position, then these sounds become abnormal and indicate the presence of any abnormality or disease. Some of the common abnormal bronchovesicular breath sounds which indicate abnormality are:
Crackles: the abnormal sound which is discontinuous, explosive or we can say popping sound with high pitch. This sound indicate the presence of excessive fluid.
Wheezes: this is a musical type of abnormal sound which can easily be heard at initial inspiration or late expiration during breathing. It indicates the narrowing or collapse of airways.
Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds Characteristics
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are the normal breath sounds which produce during breathing. These sounds can be easily heard in between 1st and 2nd intercoastal spaces anteriorly or posteriorly in between scapulae. The bronchial breath sounds are produced when there is full inspiratory phase and short or soft expiratory phase. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are softer as compared to bronchial breath sounds. Bronchovesicular breath sounds have tubular quality. These breath sounds are equal during expiration and inspiration. The difference in pitch and intensity of sound can be observed only in expiration phase.
Normal Vesicular Breath Sounds
Vesicular breath sounds are normal during breathing. These sounds can be observed at the thorax region. The pitch of vesicular breath sounds is low and soft. We can say it is a blowing or rustling sound produced throughout inspiration and continue until expiration. After that it fades away slowly to almost one third of way during expiration. In a lung, filled with air, vesicular breath sounds can be easily heard throughout lung fields. Usually these sounds can be heard at periphery of lung field. These sounds are produced due to attenuation of breath sounds produced in bronchi instead of inhalation of air inside airway or alveoli.
Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds Location, Indications, Characteristics
Reviewed by Simon Albert
January 22, 2019