Bimaxillary Protrusion Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Braces, Surgery
Bialveolar protrusion is another name of bimaxillary protrusion. It is a condition in which the mandible and maxillary teeth are forward than its base. The base of incisors leads to soft tissue procumbent. It most commonly occur in Africans and commonly affects Arabs and Asians and thirdly it occurs in white people. This condition may be severe enough that it can affect speech. It also imparts negative effects on social life of a person and may cause appearance issues with low self-esteem. Mostly people seek the most effective treatment and surgery is the only solution to this problem.
Bimaxillary protrusion is the dental condition in which the maxilla and mandible incisors are forward from the base line. Teeth from both the jaw lines are forward and can be seen clearly without opening mouth. It does not impart any good effect on the physical appearance of patient. Patient feel hesitation in socializing around with people. Patient with bimaxillary protrusion may face problems while speaking. The words may not come out properly. Patient can’t talk with people confidently. This condition does not cause any painful symptom but patient may face problems while eating and chewing food properly.
Bimaxillary protrusion may occur due to some skeletal problems which are genetic. It may be inherited in children from parents. The other reasons may include the excessive tongue thrush to the base line of both maxillary and mandible jaw line. This tongue thrush leads to abnormal growth of teeth. The incisors start growing in a forward direction. Sometimes incisors erupt naturally in a forward direction. Another main reason is tooth size discrepancy. There may be some pathological conditions which leads to bimaxillary protrusion or Bialveolar protrusion. The severity of bimaxillary protrusion can be judged on the basis of angle of incisors.
This condition usually occur in elder patients and it can be treated by extracting first four premolars. After that the anterior teeth are retrieved. This may reduce the lip size and convexity of face is also reduced. It also depends upon the types of braces used for the alignment of incisors. Instead of extraction of premolars, some high quality braces i.e. H4 braces may be used. These are the Damon braces. The successful treatment depends upon the symptoms of patient which he describe and physician have to design his treatment according to those symptoms.
Braces are of great help in treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. There are types of braces like the traditional one and the latest one. In case of traditional braces, the 1st 4 premolars are taken out. And this help in treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. But taking out of teeth causes more harm than good. The latest high quality braces i.e. H4 Damon braces are currently used for the alignment of teeth without extraction of the 1st 4 teeth. Availability of braces have made the treatment easy for patients and physicians. Now patients does not have to go through painful extraction process.
Bimaxillary Protrusion Symptoms
Bimaxillary protrusion is the dental condition in which the maxilla and mandible incisors are forward from the base line. Teeth from both the jaw lines are forward and can be seen clearly without opening mouth. It does not impart any good effect on the physical appearance of patient. Patient feel hesitation in socializing around with people. Patient with bimaxillary protrusion may face problems while speaking. The words may not come out properly. Patient can’t talk with people confidently. This condition does not cause any painful symptom but patient may face problems while eating and chewing food properly.

Bimaxillary Protrusion Causes
Bimaxillary protrusion may occur due to some skeletal problems which are genetic. It may be inherited in children from parents. The other reasons may include the excessive tongue thrush to the base line of both maxillary and mandible jaw line. This tongue thrush leads to abnormal growth of teeth. The incisors start growing in a forward direction. Sometimes incisors erupt naturally in a forward direction. Another main reason is tooth size discrepancy. There may be some pathological conditions which leads to bimaxillary protrusion or Bialveolar protrusion. The severity of bimaxillary protrusion can be judged on the basis of angle of incisors.
Bimaxillary Protrusion Treatment
This condition usually occur in elder patients and it can be treated by extracting first four premolars. After that the anterior teeth are retrieved. This may reduce the lip size and convexity of face is also reduced. It also depends upon the types of braces used for the alignment of incisors. Instead of extraction of premolars, some high quality braces i.e. H4 braces may be used. These are the Damon braces. The successful treatment depends upon the symptoms of patient which he describe and physician have to design his treatment according to those symptoms.
Bimaxillary Protrusion Braces
Braces are of great help in treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. There are types of braces like the traditional one and the latest one. In case of traditional braces, the 1st 4 premolars are taken out. And this help in treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. But taking out of teeth causes more harm than good. The latest high quality braces i.e. H4 Damon braces are currently used for the alignment of teeth without extraction of the 1st 4 teeth. Availability of braces have made the treatment easy for patients and physicians. Now patients does not have to go through painful extraction process.
Bimaxillary Protrusion Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Braces, Surgery
Reviewed by Simon Albert
January 28, 2019