Roth’s Spots Pictures, Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
A disease in which there is a hemorrhage on the retina with white or pale centers is termed as Roth’s spots. The disease was discovered and explained by a Swiss pathologist “Mortiz Roth” and hence it is named after his name. It is originally associated with a bacterial infection of heart, in which its wall “endocardium” gets swelled. Roth’s spots may also be formed in leukemia, diabetes, collagen-vascular diseases, and other conditions that predispose to hemorrhage in the retina. These spots are believed to be composed of coagulated fibrinogens which may include platelets or neoplastic cells.
The disease can be caused by following major reasons:
Roth’s Spots Pictures

Roth’s Spots Symptoms
- Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
- Repeated episodes of extreme perspiration that may soak your nightclothes or bedding this condition is called as night sweats.
- Having temperature more than the normal body temperature this condition is termed as pyrexia or simply fever.
- Loss of weight that causes weakness.
- Roth’s spot due to hypertension include following
- Pain in forehead.
- Difficulties in breathing
- Problems in vision.
- Redness of eyes is also an important symptom of Roth’s spots disease.
Roth’s Spots Causes
The disease can be caused by following major reasons:
- Swelling of blood vessels mediated due to immune complex resulting from bacterial infection of heart in which endocardium gets swelled.
- Abnormal mass of blood cells those are dangerous to health.
- Abnormal increase in growth of blood cells, the leukocytes.
- Abnormally high sugar level in blood.
- Sub acute bacterial endocarditis.
- Retinal loss of vision due to human immunodeficiency virus.
- Loss of red blood cells.
- Deficiency of vitamin B12.
- Restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen and glucose needed for cellular metabolism, to keep tissue alive.
- Damage to the retina and retinal circulation due to high blood pressure.
Roth’s Spots Treatment
Treatment of roth's spots depends upon underlying cause e.g if endocarditis is main reason of roth's spots then treatment of infection is primary goal to removal all associated complications. Similarly, viral infection, diabetes, leukemia etc may also act as triggering factor in pathogenesis of roth's spots. It is always recommended to consult you health care provider for proper diagnosis of disease and its root cause before initiating any kind of therapeutic treatment.
Roth’s Spots Pictures, Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
December 06, 2018