Pseudomeningocele Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Pseudomeningocele is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid start accumulating in the cavity where soft tissues are present around the brain. This abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in that cavity surrounding skull is is known as pseudomeningocele. Meningocele is a different condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid is covered with a layer of dura matter. This abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid may occur due to leakage of fluid in to the soft tissue cavity. This may result in trauma, birth defect or surgery. Extravasation of cerebrospinal fluid in the space i.e. subarachinoid space surrounding brain, may also result in fistula. The dural or arachinoid tear may also cause pseudomeningocele after surgery.
It is the main complication considered after spinal surgery. Most of the dural problems resolve spontaneously. Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space may prove fatal if it does not treated on time. Pseudomeningocele is classified as congenital, traumatic and iatrogenic. Usually pseudomeningocele results after spinal stenosis surgery. Most of the patients with pseudomeningocele report headache. Sometimes the leakage may find it's way to the spinal canal i.e. epidural space or in the introductory case i.e. subdural space. The most common cause reported behind pseudomeningocele is the cervical surgery.
People suffering from pseudomeningocele reported headache at the specified region where leakage is located. Intracranial hypotension is also reported. Sometimes patient experience non postural headache. Patient may feel dizziness and heavy head. Other than these, patient feels a palpable subcutaneous bulge. Patient may feel pain in the lower back region. Some recurrent radicular symptoms also appear. Patient may experience some vision issues. If the pseudomeningocele is congenital, than these symptoms may appear at the time of early childhood. And these symptoms can be controlled with the help of medications. If the leakage find its way to spinal canal, then patient feels pain in the spinal cord and neck region.
On the basis of causes, it is divided in to three main categories i.e. congenital, trauma and iatrogenic cause. The congenital cause include the dural tear of inappropriate formation of dural membrame or arachinoid membrane in child by birth. If the cause behind pseudomeningocele is any trauma or head injury, then the dural or arachinoid membrane may get damage or leak due to head injury during accident. This leakage of cerebrospinal fluid leads to pseudomeningocele. The last but not the least, iatrogenic cause Is the most common cause. It includes the dural or arachinoid membrane tear during surgery. It is considered the most common complication of spinal stenosis surgery.
Pseudomeningocele occurs due to any kind of damage to the Dural or arachinoid membrane. So healing this damage, will ultimately treat pseudomeningocele. This damage can be treated with the help of surgery. Surgical management is considered the most effective treatment for pseudomeningocele. In the surgical management, the teared Dural membrane is repaired. Along with this closure of Dural matter, a subarachnoid catheter is also implanted to drain the accumulated cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space. This treatment protocol is effective and safe in case of giant pseudomeningoceles.
It is the main complication considered after spinal surgery. Most of the dural problems resolve spontaneously. Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space may prove fatal if it does not treated on time. Pseudomeningocele is classified as congenital, traumatic and iatrogenic. Usually pseudomeningocele results after spinal stenosis surgery. Most of the patients with pseudomeningocele report headache. Sometimes the leakage may find it's way to the spinal canal i.e. epidural space or in the introductory case i.e. subdural space. The most common cause reported behind pseudomeningocele is the cervical surgery.

Pseudomeningocele Symptoms
People suffering from pseudomeningocele reported headache at the specified region where leakage is located. Intracranial hypotension is also reported. Sometimes patient experience non postural headache. Patient may feel dizziness and heavy head. Other than these, patient feels a palpable subcutaneous bulge. Patient may feel pain in the lower back region. Some recurrent radicular symptoms also appear. Patient may experience some vision issues. If the pseudomeningocele is congenital, than these symptoms may appear at the time of early childhood. And these symptoms can be controlled with the help of medications. If the leakage find its way to spinal canal, then patient feels pain in the spinal cord and neck region.
Pseudomeningocele Causes
On the basis of causes, it is divided in to three main categories i.e. congenital, trauma and iatrogenic cause. The congenital cause include the dural tear of inappropriate formation of dural membrame or arachinoid membrane in child by birth. If the cause behind pseudomeningocele is any trauma or head injury, then the dural or arachinoid membrane may get damage or leak due to head injury during accident. This leakage of cerebrospinal fluid leads to pseudomeningocele. The last but not the least, iatrogenic cause Is the most common cause. It includes the dural or arachinoid membrane tear during surgery. It is considered the most common complication of spinal stenosis surgery.
Pseudomeningocele Treatment
Pseudomeningocele occurs due to any kind of damage to the Dural or arachinoid membrane. So healing this damage, will ultimately treat pseudomeningocele. This damage can be treated with the help of surgery. Surgical management is considered the most effective treatment for pseudomeningocele. In the surgical management, the teared Dural membrane is repaired. Along with this closure of Dural matter, a subarachnoid catheter is also implanted to drain the accumulated cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space. This treatment protocol is effective and safe in case of giant pseudomeningoceles.
Pseudomeningocele Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
October 30, 2018