Achoo Syndrome Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Death, Genetics, Treatment
ACHOO is abbreviated as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst. When the patient is suddenly exposed to bright light or intense sunlight, he start sneezing this is known as ACHOO syndrome. This sneezing occurs due to light that is why it is also known as photic sneezing. There is a probability that about 1 in every 4 person will sneeze in response to sunlight but the presence of pure sneezing specifically photic sneezing is very rare. Normally the person sneeze in response to irritants inhaled or inhaling of some infectious agents but the cause behind photic sneezing is not understood yet.
As this syndrome cause uncontrollable sneezing in response to any external stimuli so, sneezing is the main symptom of ACHOO syndrome or photic sneezing syndrome. Basically it is a reflex occurs in response to bright light or intense sunlight. The patient suffering from photic sneezing syndrome will have uncontrollable sneezing as he establish a contact with bright light. The sneeze will last for some time without any relaxation. Patient may sneeze in a burst of about 1 to 10 sneezes at a time. But it should also be noted that sneezing will occur only in patient with this trait.
The exact cause behind ACHOO syndrome is not fully understood yet but it is reported that this syndrome is a sneezing reflex occurs in response to intense sunlight or bright light. The photic sneeze reflex do not occur in response to change in intensity of light but occur in response to change in wavelength of light. The presence of ACHOO syndrome is harmless most of the time but it can become severe on increased contact with external environment like riding a bike or running vehicles all day long. This increased contact will trigger the sneeze reflex in patient.
ACHOO syndrome do not have a proper treatment guideline but there are some management options that could be follow to treat this syndrome. The patient should wear sunglasses or hat to avoid direct contact with sunlight. Patient should hold his breath while sneezing or cover nostrils to avoid further sneezing. It would be safer to sneeze with a handkerchief placed in front of mouth and nostrils. Mostly doctors use antihistamines to cure the allergic reactions and so used in ACHOO syndrome. Females should cover their face with scarves and should wear sunglasses to avoid contact with light.
As ACHOO syndrome is abbreviated as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst syndrome so the name indicates that it is an autosomal disease. ACHOO syndrome or photic sneezing syndrome is inherited to young ones in an autosomal dominant manner. It means that if one of the parent have this photic sneezing syndrome then it will pass on to their young one. There are about 50 % chances that this syndrome will transfer to the next generation. If the new born is having the photic sneeze syndrome, then this will pass on their offspring and so on.
As ACHOO syndrome is not only the sneezing syndrome but a disease inherited by the parents to their offspring. Whenever a person sneeze in response to any external stimuli, it is believed that he skips a heart beat while sneezing. So in case of ACHOO syndrome or photic sneeze syndrome the patient continue to sneeze for about 10 to 15 min with a burst of sneeze. This continuous sneeze will lead to inappropriate working of heart and do not allow it to beat properly. The heart rate will become slow and ultimately the b.p also drops. And a person can bleed to death.
Achoo Syndrome Symptoms
As this syndrome cause uncontrollable sneezing in response to any external stimuli so, sneezing is the main symptom of ACHOO syndrome or photic sneezing syndrome. Basically it is a reflex occurs in response to bright light or intense sunlight. The patient suffering from photic sneezing syndrome will have uncontrollable sneezing as he establish a contact with bright light. The sneeze will last for some time without any relaxation. Patient may sneeze in a burst of about 1 to 10 sneezes at a time. But it should also be noted that sneezing will occur only in patient with this trait.

Achoo Syndrome Causes
The exact cause behind ACHOO syndrome is not fully understood yet but it is reported that this syndrome is a sneezing reflex occurs in response to intense sunlight or bright light. The photic sneeze reflex do not occur in response to change in intensity of light but occur in response to change in wavelength of light. The presence of ACHOO syndrome is harmless most of the time but it can become severe on increased contact with external environment like riding a bike or running vehicles all day long. This increased contact will trigger the sneeze reflex in patient.
Achoo Syndrome Treatment
ACHOO syndrome do not have a proper treatment guideline but there are some management options that could be follow to treat this syndrome. The patient should wear sunglasses or hat to avoid direct contact with sunlight. Patient should hold his breath while sneezing or cover nostrils to avoid further sneezing. It would be safer to sneeze with a handkerchief placed in front of mouth and nostrils. Mostly doctors use antihistamines to cure the allergic reactions and so used in ACHOO syndrome. Females should cover their face with scarves and should wear sunglasses to avoid contact with light.
Achoo Syndrome Genetics
As ACHOO syndrome is abbreviated as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst syndrome so the name indicates that it is an autosomal disease. ACHOO syndrome or photic sneezing syndrome is inherited to young ones in an autosomal dominant manner. It means that if one of the parent have this photic sneezing syndrome then it will pass on to their young one. There are about 50 % chances that this syndrome will transfer to the next generation. If the new born is having the photic sneeze syndrome, then this will pass on their offspring and so on.
Achoo Syndrome Death
As ACHOO syndrome is not only the sneezing syndrome but a disease inherited by the parents to their offspring. Whenever a person sneeze in response to any external stimuli, it is believed that he skips a heart beat while sneezing. So in case of ACHOO syndrome or photic sneeze syndrome the patient continue to sneeze for about 10 to 15 min with a burst of sneeze. This continuous sneeze will lead to inappropriate working of heart and do not allow it to beat properly. The heart rate will become slow and ultimately the b.p also drops. And a person can bleed to death.
Achoo Syndrome Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Death, Genetics, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
July 23, 2017