Thready pulse Meaning, Definition, Sound, Rate, Causes, Treatment
A thready pulse is also known as weak pulse. When the pulse cannot be feel with the mild pressure on arteries then it is a thready pulse. As pulse is defined as the pressure of blood generated with one beat. The normal pulse rate is from 60 to 100 beats per minute and thready pulse is associated with low blood pressure i.e. bradycardia. In bradycardia, the pulse rate becomes as low as below 60 beats per minute. Blood strength or blood volume per beat is the amount of blood pumped per minute. The thready pulse likes to disappear upon slight pressure.
Thready pulse is difficult to check as it likes to disappear when slight pressure is applied. So it is difficult to hear pulse sound of weak or thready pulse. A stethoscope is used to listen the sound of pulse passing. The thready pulse should be diagnosed on time because a low pulse rate is the main symptom of cardiac diseases. If the thready pulse is not diagnosed on time, it will lead to heart attack. The low pulse rate or thready pulse is associated with a condition named bradycardia and it is ultimately associated with hypotension.
The pulse rate is the no. of pulse feels per minute upon applying slight pressure on the arteries. The normal pulse rate is from 60 to 100 beats per minute and thready pulse is associated with low blood pressure i.e. bradycardia. In bradycardia, the pulse rate becomes as low as below 60 beats per minute. Blood strength or blood volume per beat is the amount of blood pumped per minute. Thready pulse likes to disappear upon slight pressure and low pulse rate also indicates the hypotension. The pulse rate is variable on many factors like in stress, emotions etc.
There are many reasons reported behind thready pulse. Some of the causes are as follows: anxiety and stress affect the pulse rate. Many cardiac diseases like cardiac arrhythmias also cause thready pulse and thready pulse is considered as a symptom for many heart diseases. Stenosis in arteries also lead to thready pulse. Dehydration, hemorrhage, hypovolemia and hypovolemic shock also have thready pulse as a symptom. Other causes behind thready pulse are respiratory failure, panic attacks, ketoacidosis, peritonitis and HOCM. Cholera and heat exhaustion also lead to thready pulse. All the above mentioned diseases lead to thready pulse.
As thready pulse itself is not a disease but a symptom of many cardiac and respiratory or arterial diseases. So to treat the thready pulse, the underlying disease should be treated first. If the reason behind thready pulse is the blockage of arteries then a vasodilator is prescribed to dilate the vessels. If the cause behind thready pulse is the respiratory disease like asthma, then broncho dilators are prescribed to dilate the vessels and the pulse will be normal. Surgical treatment is required to treat the severe cardiac disease leading to thready pulse.
Thready pulse Sound
Thready pulse is difficult to check as it likes to disappear when slight pressure is applied. So it is difficult to hear pulse sound of weak or thready pulse. A stethoscope is used to listen the sound of pulse passing. The thready pulse should be diagnosed on time because a low pulse rate is the main symptom of cardiac diseases. If the thready pulse is not diagnosed on time, it will lead to heart attack. The low pulse rate or thready pulse is associated with a condition named bradycardia and it is ultimately associated with hypotension.

Thready pulse Rate
The pulse rate is the no. of pulse feels per minute upon applying slight pressure on the arteries. The normal pulse rate is from 60 to 100 beats per minute and thready pulse is associated with low blood pressure i.e. bradycardia. In bradycardia, the pulse rate becomes as low as below 60 beats per minute. Blood strength or blood volume per beat is the amount of blood pumped per minute. Thready pulse likes to disappear upon slight pressure and low pulse rate also indicates the hypotension. The pulse rate is variable on many factors like in stress, emotions etc.
Thready pulse Causes
There are many reasons reported behind thready pulse. Some of the causes are as follows: anxiety and stress affect the pulse rate. Many cardiac diseases like cardiac arrhythmias also cause thready pulse and thready pulse is considered as a symptom for many heart diseases. Stenosis in arteries also lead to thready pulse. Dehydration, hemorrhage, hypovolemia and hypovolemic shock also have thready pulse as a symptom. Other causes behind thready pulse are respiratory failure, panic attacks, ketoacidosis, peritonitis and HOCM. Cholera and heat exhaustion also lead to thready pulse. All the above mentioned diseases lead to thready pulse.
Thready pulse Treatment
As thready pulse itself is not a disease but a symptom of many cardiac and respiratory or arterial diseases. So to treat the thready pulse, the underlying disease should be treated first. If the reason behind thready pulse is the blockage of arteries then a vasodilator is prescribed to dilate the vessels. If the cause behind thready pulse is the respiratory disease like asthma, then broncho dilators are prescribed to dilate the vessels and the pulse will be normal. Surgical treatment is required to treat the severe cardiac disease leading to thready pulse.
Thready pulse Meaning, Definition, Sound, Rate, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
June 30, 2017