Scaphoid abdomen Pictures, Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Scaphoid abdomen is nothing else but a shape of abdomen in which the abdomen is squeezed or depressed inward. The abdomen looks like a concave structure when looked from outside. There are many other names of scaphoid abdomen like navicular abdomen, boat like abdomen, carinate abdomen etc. most of the person in the world are unaware of this condition. The scaphoid abdomen shows that the patient is suffering from malnutrition and if the scaphoid abdomen is in newborns, then it shows the presence of diaphragmatic hernia in them. There may be many causes behind scaphoid abdomen.
But the main two causes are the presence of diaphragmatic hernia and malnutrition. The scaphoid abdomen most of the time look normal in patients and the patients consider it fitness just in case of weight loss. This condition is diagnosed by the physician after complete checkup. But in newborns, this condition can be easily diagnosed by the doctor and immediate treatment for the cause behind it is started. In new born, this condition could be fatal. This condition also shows symptoms regarding digestion of food and other gastrointestinal tract related problems. The most common symptom associated with scaphoid abdomen is weight loss.
Scaphoid abdomen shows many symptoms according to the underlying cause behind it. Weight loss is the symptom associated with concave abdomen due to malnutrition. If the patient is having pain and he can bear it then it will be due to obstruction in abdomen. And if the patient cannot move due to pain in abdomen, then there might be inflammation. This condition may lead to the enlargement of another separate organ or structure as a symptom. Obstruction in abdomen can lead to localized distension in body. The apparent symptom is the concave shaped abdomen instead of convex shaped abdomen.
The scaphoid abdomen have a no. of causes behind it. The most common cause in adults is the malnutrition. The patients want to lose weight, skip their diets and start appearing as concave abdomen due to weakness. Presence of cancer i.e. carcinoma lead to the scaphoid abdomen. The anorexia nervosa is another condition in which the extreme restriction of food intake occur. This condition also leads to scaphoid abdomen. The other causes behind scaphoid abdomen are the presence of diaphragmatic hernia in new born babies, duodenal atresia, dehydration, diaphragmatic injuries, cerebral disease and high intestinal obstruction.
The scaphoid abdomen is treated according to the underlying cause behind it. The patient is asked to take proper diet and food supplements to overcome the malnutrition. The patient have to take healthy food along with proper quantity of water. But scaphoid abdomen if occur in newborn babies, then the underlying cause behind it i.e. diaphragmatic hernia should be treated. The baby is transferred to the ward and intubated in which a nasogastric tube is inserted inside through throat or nasal cavity to decompress the abdomen and in order to avoid the visceral distention.
But the main two causes are the presence of diaphragmatic hernia and malnutrition. The scaphoid abdomen most of the time look normal in patients and the patients consider it fitness just in case of weight loss. This condition is diagnosed by the physician after complete checkup. But in newborns, this condition can be easily diagnosed by the doctor and immediate treatment for the cause behind it is started. In new born, this condition could be fatal. This condition also shows symptoms regarding digestion of food and other gastrointestinal tract related problems. The most common symptom associated with scaphoid abdomen is weight loss.
Scaphoid abdomen Pictures

Scaphoid abdomen Symptoms
Scaphoid abdomen shows many symptoms according to the underlying cause behind it. Weight loss is the symptom associated with concave abdomen due to malnutrition. If the patient is having pain and he can bear it then it will be due to obstruction in abdomen. And if the patient cannot move due to pain in abdomen, then there might be inflammation. This condition may lead to the enlargement of another separate organ or structure as a symptom. Obstruction in abdomen can lead to localized distension in body. The apparent symptom is the concave shaped abdomen instead of convex shaped abdomen.
Scaphoid abdomen Causes
The scaphoid abdomen have a no. of causes behind it. The most common cause in adults is the malnutrition. The patients want to lose weight, skip their diets and start appearing as concave abdomen due to weakness. Presence of cancer i.e. carcinoma lead to the scaphoid abdomen. The anorexia nervosa is another condition in which the extreme restriction of food intake occur. This condition also leads to scaphoid abdomen. The other causes behind scaphoid abdomen are the presence of diaphragmatic hernia in new born babies, duodenal atresia, dehydration, diaphragmatic injuries, cerebral disease and high intestinal obstruction.
Scaphoid abdomen Treatment
The scaphoid abdomen is treated according to the underlying cause behind it. The patient is asked to take proper diet and food supplements to overcome the malnutrition. The patient have to take healthy food along with proper quantity of water. But scaphoid abdomen if occur in newborn babies, then the underlying cause behind it i.e. diaphragmatic hernia should be treated. The baby is transferred to the ward and intubated in which a nasogastric tube is inserted inside through throat or nasal cavity to decompress the abdomen and in order to avoid the visceral distention.
Scaphoid abdomen Pictures, Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
June 23, 2017