Monofilament Test Definition, Positive, Negative, Interpretation, Scoring
Monofilament test is performed to check the sensitivity of peripheral nervous system. It is a cheap and easy to use method for testing peripheral sensitivity. Monofilament is a portable strand made of nylon which is used to check sensation in the limbs in diabetic patients and in patients with other neuropathic conditions. It is also known as Semmes Weinstein monofilament examination SWME. It is a rapid method of testing. The patient can use it by himself on routine checkup. In diabetic patients, the foot ulcers are checked with this monofilament testing to check the sensation in the foot.
Monofilament test is a gold standard test. The monofilament test strand made of nylon is used to touch the base of the effected limb, if the patient feel pain on touching the monofilament, then the patient condition can be recovered with medications and some strict preventions. But if patient feel no sensation on touching and the filament got bend, the condition of the patient’s foot is critical. The patient with positive monofilament test have to go through a surgical operation in which the effected part of the limb will be cut off so that it could not spread to the other cells.
Monofilament test is performed on the effected limb in the patient with diabetes mellitus. The monofilament is used to touch the base of the effected limb, if the patient feel pain on touching the monofilament, judged by patient’s verbal communication, the result of this test is negative and the patient condition can be recovered with medications and some strict preventions. The patient have to go through strict diet to control the blood sugar level and medications also are of help in that matter. The results can be checked within 10 to 15 min of test.
The monofilament strand have readings on it to show the percentage of sensitivity present in foot at different points. The patients with diabetes mellitus, male sex, heighted and with high blood pressure show the incident neuropathy and the readings came out in this are 3.7 ± 2.5 with incident neuropathy and 5.7 ± 2.3 in patients without incident neuropathy. These readings are collected out of 8. The patients with incident neuropathy show 72 % sensitivity at the effected foot along with 64 % specificity. The result can be positive or negative at a ratio of 2.5 and 0.35.
The monofilament test scoring is to be judged on the basis of the stages of diabetes. As in stage 1 there are no symptoms appeared. At stage two, the patient feel pain on the limb which may be chronic or acute but apart from these two conditions, the initiation may be painless but with complete sensory loss. The stage may include the foot ulcer along with weight loss and pain. The scoring of the monofilament strand test is dependent on the above mentioned stages of diabetes. At starting, the test may show negative result while at the last stage the result will be positive.
Monofilament Test Psoitive
Monofilament test is a gold standard test. The monofilament test strand made of nylon is used to touch the base of the effected limb, if the patient feel pain on touching the monofilament, then the patient condition can be recovered with medications and some strict preventions. But if patient feel no sensation on touching and the filament got bend, the condition of the patient’s foot is critical. The patient with positive monofilament test have to go through a surgical operation in which the effected part of the limb will be cut off so that it could not spread to the other cells.

Monofilament Test Negative
Monofilament test is performed on the effected limb in the patient with diabetes mellitus. The monofilament is used to touch the base of the effected limb, if the patient feel pain on touching the monofilament, judged by patient’s verbal communication, the result of this test is negative and the patient condition can be recovered with medications and some strict preventions. The patient have to go through strict diet to control the blood sugar level and medications also are of help in that matter. The results can be checked within 10 to 15 min of test.
Monofilament Test Interpretations
The monofilament strand have readings on it to show the percentage of sensitivity present in foot at different points. The patients with diabetes mellitus, male sex, heighted and with high blood pressure show the incident neuropathy and the readings came out in this are 3.7 ± 2.5 with incident neuropathy and 5.7 ± 2.3 in patients without incident neuropathy. These readings are collected out of 8. The patients with incident neuropathy show 72 % sensitivity at the effected foot along with 64 % specificity. The result can be positive or negative at a ratio of 2.5 and 0.35.
Monofilament Test Scoring
The monofilament test scoring is to be judged on the basis of the stages of diabetes. As in stage 1 there are no symptoms appeared. At stage two, the patient feel pain on the limb which may be chronic or acute but apart from these two conditions, the initiation may be painless but with complete sensory loss. The stage may include the foot ulcer along with weight loss and pain. The scoring of the monofilament strand test is dependent on the above mentioned stages of diabetes. At starting, the test may show negative result while at the last stage the result will be positive.
Monofilament Test Definition, Positive, Negative, Interpretation, Scoring
Reviewed by Simon Albert
June 10, 2017