kennedy ulcer Pictures, Life expectacy, Prognosis, Terminal Stage
The Kennedy ulcer is also known as Kennedy terminal ulcer or pressure sore. A pressure sore or Kennedy ulcer is formed right at the sacrum region (the region of lower backbone typically on tail bone). Kennedy ulcer occur when the patient is completely bed ridden and can’t move his body around. The shape of Kennedy ulcer may be irregular or may similar to the shape of butterfly, pear or horseshoe. Kennedy ulcer are formed as a result of blister or an abrasion which occur due to sweating and rubbing.
Whenever any abrasion or blister occur it spread quickly and goes deeper in no time. With the time and depth of kennedy ulcer, its color also changes to red, yellow or black depending upon the severity. This condition occurs when the patient is near to dye and the blood circulation decreases at the lower parts of body. The Kennedy ulcer appear in a symmetrical shape as in butterfly and pear, the both sides are mirror images of each other. At the terminal stage of a patient’s life, the body cells start to die and result in ulceration. It is an unavoidable condition, as it makes the dying process fast.
As Kennedy ulcer appear on the sacral region of patient’s body when he becomes totally bedridden. Some physicians consider it an indication for the death of patient because it occur right before the death of patient. This is the reason it is also called Kennedy terminal ulcer. The patient feel pain and get uncomfortable lying down. Kennedy terminal ulcer normally occur in patients who are paralyzed and cannot move or in patients who are in the state of coma for longer time period. So the life expectancy after the appearance of Kennedy ulcer is near to zero.
When the patient is at terminal stage of his life, the internal organs start getting slow in functioning and as a result multiple organs got fail. The cardiac output is not enough to meet the requirement and the skin starts to die. The onset of kennedy terminal ulcer is rapid along with quick spreading in a definite shape of pear, butterfly and horseshoe. The kennedy terminal ulcers are more severe and bigger in size as compare to the other bed sores or pressure sores. The color changes from red, purple to yellow and then to black or deep purple.
As it is already discussed before, the kennedy terminal ulcer appear when the patient is at the terminal stage of his life. So it is also considered an indication of death of patient. This condition occur at the last stage of the disease when patient is almost dying and do not have enough energy to live life again. The patients with kennedy terminal ulcer have to bear a lot of pain and itching but they cannot do anything about it. It’s all in the hand of care taker, he should properly check patient and apply topical medication over it.
Whenever any abrasion or blister occur it spread quickly and goes deeper in no time. With the time and depth of kennedy ulcer, its color also changes to red, yellow or black depending upon the severity. This condition occurs when the patient is near to dye and the blood circulation decreases at the lower parts of body. The Kennedy ulcer appear in a symmetrical shape as in butterfly and pear, the both sides are mirror images of each other. At the terminal stage of a patient’s life, the body cells start to die and result in ulceration. It is an unavoidable condition, as it makes the dying process fast.
kennedy ulcer Pictures

kennedy ulcer Life expectacy
As Kennedy ulcer appear on the sacral region of patient’s body when he becomes totally bedridden. Some physicians consider it an indication for the death of patient because it occur right before the death of patient. This is the reason it is also called Kennedy terminal ulcer. The patient feel pain and get uncomfortable lying down. Kennedy terminal ulcer normally occur in patients who are paralyzed and cannot move or in patients who are in the state of coma for longer time period. So the life expectancy after the appearance of Kennedy ulcer is near to zero.
kennedy ulcer Prognosis
When the patient is at terminal stage of his life, the internal organs start getting slow in functioning and as a result multiple organs got fail. The cardiac output is not enough to meet the requirement and the skin starts to die. The onset of kennedy terminal ulcer is rapid along with quick spreading in a definite shape of pear, butterfly and horseshoe. The kennedy terminal ulcers are more severe and bigger in size as compare to the other bed sores or pressure sores. The color changes from red, purple to yellow and then to black or deep purple.
kennedy ulcer Terminal Stage
As it is already discussed before, the kennedy terminal ulcer appear when the patient is at the terminal stage of his life. So it is also considered an indication of death of patient. This condition occur at the last stage of the disease when patient is almost dying and do not have enough energy to live life again. The patients with kennedy terminal ulcer have to bear a lot of pain and itching but they cannot do anything about it. It’s all in the hand of care taker, he should properly check patient and apply topical medication over it.
kennedy ulcer Pictures, Life expectacy, Prognosis, Terminal Stage
Reviewed by Simon Albert
May 24, 2017