Vaginal cuff dehiscence Symptoms, Cellulitis, Infection, Hysterectomy
Vaginal cuff is the sewed incision made on the top of vagina for the removal of uterus from body and dehiscence is the splitting of a wound in order to discharge contents. The removal of uterus is done by a procedure named hysterectomy and vaginal cuff dehiscence is considered the complication associated with hysterectomy. There are 1 to 2 % of chances that the vaginal cuff get open discharging its contents causing vaginal cuff dehiscence. There are many factors which can complicate the condition like having sex within 6 weeks after surgery, extreme weight lifting and diabetes.
The following are the symptoms associated with vaginal cuff dehiscence:
Cellulitis is the inflammation of the subcutaneous layer. This infection can occur due to invasion of bacteria in to the open wound. The cellulitis may occur after the hysterectomy on the site of vaginal cuff. The dehiscence of vaginal cuff allow the bacteria to come in contact with the deepest layer of skin and cause infection in it resulting in inflammation of vaginal cuff. The most common species behind vaginal cuff cellulitis is the streptococcus and staphylococcus species. The symptoms include pain in pelvis, pain in abdomen, the vaginal cuff become tender and abnormal discharge occur from vagina.
There are many chances of infection around the vaginal cuff due to the dehiscence. The most common infection reported is the cellulitis. In which the superficial skin layer get inflamed due to bacterial infection. The infections like abscess formation and hematoma formation can also occur. In the vaginal cuff abscess, there is a purulent discharge from the cuff along with fluctuant mass around it. The symptoms associated are fever, chills, pain in pelvic region and the patient feels pressure on rectum also. Hematoma can also occur due to the decrease level of hemoglobin and hematocrit in patient’s blood.
After the vaginal cuff is made on the top of vagina the vagina may get shorter a bit shorter in length. But the change in length is very minute. Some cases reported that there is about quarter of inch reduction in vaginal size but the vaginal muscles are flexible they will come on its position back. The partners of patients and patients themselves reported reduction in size during 1st intercourse after surgery. Sometimes the vaginal cuff do not get heal properly, then the patient take medications like topical silver nitrate cream to repair it and make it heal on time.
Vaginal cuff dehiscence Symptoms
The following are the symptoms associated with vaginal cuff dehiscence:
- The abnormal discharge occur from the opening of the vaginal cuff or vaginal opening.
- The vaginal fluids start leaking from the vaginal cuff.
- The patient feels nausea and sometimes vomiting also occur.
- Abdominal pain is also associated with vaginal cuff dehiscence.
- In the severe condition of vaginal cuff dehiscence, the contents of abdomen or vagina may prolapse from the vaginal opening.
- The bowel loop may ooze out from the vaginal opening and an injury can occur to it. And this is the reason behind nausea and vomiting condition.
Vaginal cuff dehiscence Cellulitis
Cellulitis is the inflammation of the subcutaneous layer. This infection can occur due to invasion of bacteria in to the open wound. The cellulitis may occur after the hysterectomy on the site of vaginal cuff. The dehiscence of vaginal cuff allow the bacteria to come in contact with the deepest layer of skin and cause infection in it resulting in inflammation of vaginal cuff. The most common species behind vaginal cuff cellulitis is the streptococcus and staphylococcus species. The symptoms include pain in pelvis, pain in abdomen, the vaginal cuff become tender and abnormal discharge occur from vagina.
Vaginal cuff dehiscence Infection
There are many chances of infection around the vaginal cuff due to the dehiscence. The most common infection reported is the cellulitis. In which the superficial skin layer get inflamed due to bacterial infection. The infections like abscess formation and hematoma formation can also occur. In the vaginal cuff abscess, there is a purulent discharge from the cuff along with fluctuant mass around it. The symptoms associated are fever, chills, pain in pelvic region and the patient feels pressure on rectum also. Hematoma can also occur due to the decrease level of hemoglobin and hematocrit in patient’s blood.
Vaginal cuff dehiscence after Hysterectomy
After the vaginal cuff is made on the top of vagina the vagina may get shorter a bit shorter in length. But the change in length is very minute. Some cases reported that there is about quarter of inch reduction in vaginal size but the vaginal muscles are flexible they will come on its position back. The partners of patients and patients themselves reported reduction in size during 1st intercourse after surgery. Sometimes the vaginal cuff do not get heal properly, then the patient take medications like topical silver nitrate cream to repair it and make it heal on time.
Vaginal cuff dehiscence Symptoms, Cellulitis, Infection, Hysterectomy
Reviewed by Simon Albert
May 16, 2017