Taurodontism - Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment
Human’s oral cavity always has several infections, disorders and critical diseases that may cause tooth loss. Anyways, it is useful for you to learn what is Taurodontism and other related information. In general, this is a dental problem in which the molar teeth and the pulp chamber go on enlarging on the roots. This disorder is not enough common, but it is a bit problematic. Tooth and pulp body start moving down and they become larger by crossing the roots. Many people don’t consider it risky and serious, but you can never deny the complications of Taurodontism as it can cause discomforts.
Molar teeth will become bigger and a bit odd that can damage your facial look, the health of teeth and performance. Usually, there is no tested and 100% result-guaranteed treatment that can restore the actual length and size of enlarged teeth. However, there are some surgical methods that are considered as the most appropriate and effective to get rid of Taurodontism. The normal facial look will get disturbed a mild or greatly if someone experiences this dental problem. The molar teeth will be longer and they totally seem like the teeth of a bull. You can overcome this problem if you consult a dentist quickly after experiencing this issue.
In general, this disorder can be recognized and confirmed by experiencing the size, shape and structure of the teeth and their pulp floor. In general, there are many reported Taurodontism symptoms, but general signs are enough to declare this dental complication. The children mostly suffer from this problem due to several causes and factors. Anyways, the roots will be smaller with compared to the teeth around the molar area. Secondly, the pulp will also be bigger than its natural structure and size. Further, you can view these enlarged teeth in an X-ray as well as a scan. The teeth will look like the horns of a bull.
Definitely, there are many reasons and causes of Taurodontism in the patients. First of all, you should read the major Taurodontism causes that are enough to explain this dental complication. Generally, this disorder or condition happens due to the unusual growth pattern of teeth. Secondly, if the pulp chamber grows slower than normal and natural development, then molar teeth will experience an increase in the other teeth. Surely, odontoblastic deficiency is also another cause of Taurodontism. Sometimes, the children have similar teeth as their parents have. You can say a gene problem behind the increase in size and growth of normal teeth.
Taurodontism is not a simple and casual dental disorder because it is one of the most critical and problematic health issues. In next, the most people always take more interest to know Taurodontism types. Definitely, this dental problem can be classified into several major categories based on occurrence, shape, size and structure of teeth. The dentists and health professionals have discovered that there are three important types of Taurodontism. These major kinds are;
• Hypo Tyrodont
• Meso Tyrodont
• Hyper Tyrodont
All these are more famous and common types of Taurodontism which the doctors and dentists confirm after comprehensive medical checkup of the patients.
Molar teeth will become bigger and a bit odd that can damage your facial look, the health of teeth and performance. Usually, there is no tested and 100% result-guaranteed treatment that can restore the actual length and size of enlarged teeth. However, there are some surgical methods that are considered as the most appropriate and effective to get rid of Taurodontism. The normal facial look will get disturbed a mild or greatly if someone experiences this dental problem. The molar teeth will be longer and they totally seem like the teeth of a bull. You can overcome this problem if you consult a dentist quickly after experiencing this issue.
Taurodontism Pictures

Taurodontism Symptoms:
In general, this disorder can be recognized and confirmed by experiencing the size, shape and structure of the teeth and their pulp floor. In general, there are many reported Taurodontism symptoms, but general signs are enough to declare this dental complication. The children mostly suffer from this problem due to several causes and factors. Anyways, the roots will be smaller with compared to the teeth around the molar area. Secondly, the pulp will also be bigger than its natural structure and size. Further, you can view these enlarged teeth in an X-ray as well as a scan. The teeth will look like the horns of a bull.
Taurodontism Causes:
Definitely, there are many reasons and causes of Taurodontism in the patients. First of all, you should read the major Taurodontism causes that are enough to explain this dental complication. Generally, this disorder or condition happens due to the unusual growth pattern of teeth. Secondly, if the pulp chamber grows slower than normal and natural development, then molar teeth will experience an increase in the other teeth. Surely, odontoblastic deficiency is also another cause of Taurodontism. Sometimes, the children have similar teeth as their parents have. You can say a gene problem behind the increase in size and growth of normal teeth.
Taurodontism Types:
Taurodontism is not a simple and casual dental disorder because it is one of the most critical and problematic health issues. In next, the most people always take more interest to know Taurodontism types. Definitely, this dental problem can be classified into several major categories based on occurrence, shape, size and structure of teeth. The dentists and health professionals have discovered that there are three important types of Taurodontism. These major kinds are;
• Hypo Tyrodont
• Meso Tyrodont
• Hyper Tyrodont
All these are more famous and common types of Taurodontism which the doctors and dentists confirm after comprehensive medical checkup of the patients.
Taurodontism Treatment:
Treatment of Taurodontism usually consist of medications as well as minor dental procedure to adjust the problematic tooth. Medications include pain killers and antibiotics to rule out any suspect of infection. Similarly, your health care provider may perform minor dental procedure to resize or adjust tooth growth.
Taurodontism - Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
March 20, 2017