Osteoarthrosis - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Osteoarthrosis is basically a degenerative disease of joints and bones. The term "osteo" means bones or joints while "osis" refers to degeneration of bony tissues or joints. Osteoarthrosis is most common orthopedic condition that can be seen in all age groups without regard to gender, race or ethnicity.
Though it causes degeneration of all joints but knees are more severely affected by osteoarthrosis due to lack of elasticity, synovial fluid and increase rigidity. During initial stages there is wear and tear of articular cartilage due to constant compression and frictions of cartilagenous tissues. Old age is common cause of osteoarthrosis due to limited production of synovial fluid and regeneration of articular cartilage.
Occasionally it begins with symptoms of morning stiffness in one or more joints that goes away after few minutes to hours. Early diagnosis can impede the progression of disease followed by proper diet plan, regular exercise and increase intake of oral glucosamine and chondrotin. Osteoarthrosis can be identified or diagnosed with the help or certain imaging tests like CT- Scan, DEXA-scan and Digital x-ray.
Osteoarthrosis can can affect all joints and bones but most commonly affects knee area. It is categorized as progressive disease that restrict patient to perform routine activities. In most cases exact underlying cause is difficult to rule out. However, many scientists assume that joint injuries, poor diet, obesity and genetic pre-disposition are main triggering factors in the pathophysiology of osteoarthrosis.
Though it causes degeneration of all joints but knees are more severely affected by osteoarthrosis due to lack of elasticity, synovial fluid and increase rigidity. During initial stages there is wear and tear of articular cartilage due to constant compression and frictions of cartilagenous tissues. Old age is common cause of osteoarthrosis due to limited production of synovial fluid and regeneration of articular cartilage.
Occasionally it begins with symptoms of morning stiffness in one or more joints that goes away after few minutes to hours. Early diagnosis can impede the progression of disease followed by proper diet plan, regular exercise and increase intake of oral glucosamine and chondrotin. Osteoarthrosis can be identified or diagnosed with the help or certain imaging tests like CT- Scan, DEXA-scan and Digital x-ray.
Osteoarthrosis Definition
It can be defined as painful degenerative disease of joints that causes degeneration of articular cartilage due to marginal hypertrophy of bone and rigidity of synovial membrane.Osteoarthrosis can can affect all joints and bones but most commonly affects knee area. It is categorized as progressive disease that restrict patient to perform routine activities. In most cases exact underlying cause is difficult to rule out. However, many scientists assume that joint injuries, poor diet, obesity and genetic pre-disposition are main triggering factors in the pathophysiology of osteoarthrosis.
Osteoarthrosis Symptoms
Some common manifestations of osteoarthrosis are
- Morning stiffness in one or more joints
- Difficulty in mobility of joints in later stages
- Increase in pain intensity upon putting stress over joints
- Increase stiffness during bent position
- Swelling around knees and joints
- Some people may also feel redness
- Cracking sounds during bending of knees
- Experience minimum elasticity or flexibility in joints during exercise
- Grating sensation
- Bone Spur
- Tenderness
- Moderate to severe pain
Osteoarthrosis Causes
Accidental Injury - Physical injury is one of the common cause of osteoarthrosis in adults e.g trauma, road accident, sports injuries, thermal injuries. In
some cases these injuries are irreversible that leave life time damaging effect while in routine cases these injuries can be treated via surgical intervention
or simply with medications.
Auto-immune Disease - Autoimmune disease is one of the leading cause of joints degeneration. These include psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, primary arthritis
secondary arthritis etc. Swelling is major manifestation due to accumulation of antibodies around joints and patient feels severe pain.
Genetic pre-disposition - Though, it is less common but people who have osteoarthrosis in their family history are more prone to get involved this disease due
genetic predisposition in their genetic make-up
Dietary origin - Limited intake of dietary glucosamaine and chondrotin may also act as contributing factor in the development of osteoarthrosis. These two bio-polymers are very important for synthesis of synovial fluid and healthy cartilaginous membrane.
Old age - Being old in not a disease but it invites too many problems and osteoarthrosis is one of them. Regular exercise and active life style may decrease
its risk in old ages.
Obesity - Obesity increase stress and work load on joints. If this stress remain consistent then joint become fragile and have low flexibility.
Osteoarthrosis Treatment
Treatment of osteoarthrosis simple depends upon severity and etiology of disease. In early phase health care provider may prescribe simple analgesics (NSAIDS) like paracetamol, brufen etc. In case of autoimmune disease your health care provider may prescribe combination of therapy include immunosuppressants, steroidal drugs, narcotic analgesics and DMARD's etc. In most of the cases patients use these medications for a long-term or lifetime
along with orthopedic bracing.
Other treatment options include arthroscopic surgery, physiotherapy, trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. If patient does not respond well after using combination of medications then surgery might be the next option only if possible otherwise alternate treatment are utilized to manage this
It is claimed that diet rich in glucosamine and chonrotin (polymers) is very effective in osteoarthrosis due to repairing effect. These polymers are also required for the synthesis of cartilaginous tissue. Now, glucosamine and chondrotin (polymers) in market with different brand names.
Osteoarthrosis - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 01, 2017