What is Levoscoliosis - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Scoliosis is a medical condition in which spine curves to the left or right side. Levoscoliosis is similar to Scoliosis. When the spine bends to the left side, the condition is known as Levoscoliosis. The problem becomes critical when the curving of spine presses the ribcage, causing deformation and other issues for heart and lungs.
The Lumbar spine is the common part of vertebral column which gets influenced by levoscoliosis. Due to thoracic enclosed lungs cage, a person feels out of breath. Levoscoliosis has different kinds, ranging from infantile to pubescent; however the common form is Functional Levoscoliosis which is caused due to wrong posture.
Spine curvature to the left side is called Levoscoliosis. The symptoms are similar to Scoliosis; however, this medical condition imposes serious health concerns due to the presence of heart on left side. Though there is no intervention of spinal column with left side curvature, but the direction can apply pressure over ribcage. As a result, the deformation occurs that impacts on the functionality of the heart and lungs.
Kids’ bones are not completely formed whereas women’s bones are soft in nature; it is the reason, Levoscoliosis affects younger people and females’ more than older people and men. At an early stage, the problem develops back pain. Later on, the muscles start contracting.
Here are some of the commonly noticed signs of levoscoliosis:
• Pain in back area
• Change in posture – the condition develops after back pain that lasts for many months
• Change in the height of shoulders
• Deformed ribcage
• Overhanging shoulder blade towards left side
• Iliac anterior spines at various heights
• Spasms become visible when the left side muscles contract
• Change in the height of legs
• The body tilts to left side
Whenever a person observes one of these changes in the body, it is advised to make an appointment and X-Ray to diagnose the disease for proper treatment.
Here are the basic circumstances which lead to spine curvature:
1. Congenital – abnormal formation of spinal bones
2. Neuromuscular – when nerves cannot control muscles related to the spine
3. Degenerative – vertebral herniated discs due to degeneration of bones
4. Puberty – As compared to muscles, the spine starts growing rapidly. Moreover, the muscles get feeble and the condition leads to levoscoliosis
5. Poor Posture – It is a predisposing aspect. Though the wrong posture does not harm the body, but the person feels pain while trying to make it straight
6. Idiopathic – The reason remains unknown and the person appears fit and healthy
Treatment is not required to handle mild cases as these issues are covered automatically. In case, deformity is obvious, specific treatments will be applied according to the condition and age of the patient.
1- Braces – To decrease the pain and avoid the bending of body, hard or soft brace can be used.
2- Physical Therapy – It involves different exercises that help in strengthening the weak body muscles and stabilizing the posture
3- FED Method – This treatment is referred to patients who need spine fixation
4- Surgery – Surgery is an effective treatment when spine angle range is above 45. Curvature cannot completely overcome through surgery thus physical therapy is also required to get desired results.
The Lumbar spine is the common part of vertebral column which gets influenced by levoscoliosis. Due to thoracic enclosed lungs cage, a person feels out of breath. Levoscoliosis has different kinds, ranging from infantile to pubescent; however the common form is Functional Levoscoliosis which is caused due to wrong posture.
- Levoscoliosis Definition
- Levoscoliosis Symptoms
- Levoscoliosis Causes
- Levoscoliosis Treatment
Levoscoliosis Definition
Spine curvature to the left side is called Levoscoliosis. The symptoms are similar to Scoliosis; however, this medical condition imposes serious health concerns due to the presence of heart on left side. Though there is no intervention of spinal column with left side curvature, but the direction can apply pressure over ribcage. As a result, the deformation occurs that impacts on the functionality of the heart and lungs.
Kids’ bones are not completely formed whereas women’s bones are soft in nature; it is the reason, Levoscoliosis affects younger people and females’ more than older people and men. At an early stage, the problem develops back pain. Later on, the muscles start contracting.
Levoscoliosis Symptoms
Here are some of the commonly noticed signs of levoscoliosis:
• Pain in back area
• Change in posture – the condition develops after back pain that lasts for many months
• Change in the height of shoulders
• Deformed ribcage
• Overhanging shoulder blade towards left side
• Iliac anterior spines at various heights
• Spasms become visible when the left side muscles contract
• Change in the height of legs
• The body tilts to left side
Whenever a person observes one of these changes in the body, it is advised to make an appointment and X-Ray to diagnose the disease for proper treatment.
Levoscoliosis Causes
Here are the basic circumstances which lead to spine curvature:
1. Congenital – abnormal formation of spinal bones
2. Neuromuscular – when nerves cannot control muscles related to the spine
3. Degenerative – vertebral herniated discs due to degeneration of bones
4. Puberty – As compared to muscles, the spine starts growing rapidly. Moreover, the muscles get feeble and the condition leads to levoscoliosis
5. Poor Posture – It is a predisposing aspect. Though the wrong posture does not harm the body, but the person feels pain while trying to make it straight
6. Idiopathic – The reason remains unknown and the person appears fit and healthy
Levoscoliosis Treatment
Treatment is not required to handle mild cases as these issues are covered automatically. In case, deformity is obvious, specific treatments will be applied according to the condition and age of the patient.
1- Braces – To decrease the pain and avoid the bending of body, hard or soft brace can be used.
2- Physical Therapy – It involves different exercises that help in strengthening the weak body muscles and stabilizing the posture
3- FED Method – This treatment is referred to patients who need spine fixation
4- Surgery – Surgery is an effective treatment when spine angle range is above 45. Curvature cannot completely overcome through surgery thus physical therapy is also required to get desired results.
What is Levoscoliosis - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
January 30, 2017