Cystourethroscopy Surgery, Procedure, Uses, side effects
Cystourethroscopy is termed as a method in which there is an examination to be done. The examination is related to the urethra and bladder of the patient. There is special equipment used in the whole process. Worth mentioning equipment here is the cystoscope. The procedure is to be performed by the expert urologist. The Cystourethroscopy is recommended to the patients that have the problem of urinary tract infections, hematuria and genetic abnormalities in the tract. The Cystourethroscopy is also done if the patients are having tumors in the bladder, bladder stones or kidney stones. The common problem of urethra and prostate enlargement can also be managed with the help of Cystourethroscopy
The whole procedure of the surgery can take forty minutes to complete. Prior to the surgery the amount of the urine left in the bladder is to be precisely measured. As soon as the cystoscope is lubricated, it is inserted into the urethra of the patient. The scope is then inserted into the bladder while passing through the urethra. The inflation of the bladder is done by using a fluid, the idea of inflation is to make it sure that the walls of the bladder can closely be observed. In the Cystourethroscopy Surgery, the idea is to remove the bladder stones from the bladder or obtain tissue samples for biopsy purpose.
The procedure involved in the Cystourethroscopy is very simple and doesn’t have any kind of complications involved. The procedure starts with emptying the bladder. The patient is given anesthesia. The idea is to make the procedure less painful for the patient. The gel is to be used with the scope. There is a gel used in order to lubricate the scope. The scope is flexible in nature and is used to pass the surgical instruments. There is a sterile solution used to flood the bladder most commonly used solution is normal saline. The Cystourethroscopy can take five minutes with the local anesthesia while entire procedure can take half an hour to complete.
There are various amounts of complications involved in Cystourethroscopy. The side effects of the surgery can vary a lot. But a common side effect that is mostly found as a result of Cystourethroscopy is that there is a swollen urethra (urethritis). Once there is a swollen urethra it can make urination quite difficult. Another side effect can be bleeding as well; patients go through the procedure of Cystourethroscopy can have serious bleeding as well. Often there is a high fever that is also noticed. Sometimes there are some red blood clots in the urine as well. Pain in the stomach is one of the side effects.
There are multiple medical diagnosis procedures in which Cystourethroscopy can be used. There is telescope-like tube that is attached to the camera. The tube is inserted into the bladder to find out multiple issues. Bladder cancer can be found using Cystourethroscopy. The patient having a problem of the presence of blood in the urine can be diagnosed with the help of Cystourethroscopy. The chronic pelvic pain can also be treated with the use of Cystourethroscopy. Moreover, the patients with frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are also advised to have Cystourethroscopy. The problems like the urinary blockages and urinary stone are also treated using the technique of Cystourethroscopy.
The whole procedure of the surgery can take forty minutes to complete. Prior to the surgery the amount of the urine left in the bladder is to be precisely measured. As soon as the cystoscope is lubricated, it is inserted into the urethra of the patient. The scope is then inserted into the bladder while passing through the urethra. The inflation of the bladder is done by using a fluid, the idea of inflation is to make it sure that the walls of the bladder can closely be observed. In the Cystourethroscopy Surgery, the idea is to remove the bladder stones from the bladder or obtain tissue samples for biopsy purpose.
Cystourethroscopy Procedure
The procedure involved in the Cystourethroscopy is very simple and doesn’t have any kind of complications involved. The procedure starts with emptying the bladder. The patient is given anesthesia. The idea is to make the procedure less painful for the patient. The gel is to be used with the scope. There is a gel used in order to lubricate the scope. The scope is flexible in nature and is used to pass the surgical instruments. There is a sterile solution used to flood the bladder most commonly used solution is normal saline. The Cystourethroscopy can take five minutes with the local anesthesia while entire procedure can take half an hour to complete.
Cystourethroscopy Side effects
There are various amounts of complications involved in Cystourethroscopy. The side effects of the surgery can vary a lot. But a common side effect that is mostly found as a result of Cystourethroscopy is that there is a swollen urethra (urethritis). Once there is a swollen urethra it can make urination quite difficult. Another side effect can be bleeding as well; patients go through the procedure of Cystourethroscopy can have serious bleeding as well. Often there is a high fever that is also noticed. Sometimes there are some red blood clots in the urine as well. Pain in the stomach is one of the side effects.
Cystourethroscopy Uses
There are multiple medical diagnosis procedures in which Cystourethroscopy can be used. There is telescope-like tube that is attached to the camera. The tube is inserted into the bladder to find out multiple issues. Bladder cancer can be found using Cystourethroscopy. The patient having a problem of the presence of blood in the urine can be diagnosed with the help of Cystourethroscopy. The chronic pelvic pain can also be treated with the use of Cystourethroscopy. Moreover, the patients with frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are also advised to have Cystourethroscopy. The problems like the urinary blockages and urinary stone are also treated using the technique of Cystourethroscopy.
Cystourethroscopy Surgery, Procedure, Uses, side effects
Reviewed by Simon Albert
January 23, 2017